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Comments 29

solerika July 11 2008, 17:46:18 UTC
Ah, hello! This is the mod of tales_vesperia. I tried to respond to the message you sent me but it said you had privacy options turned on, so I thought I would let you know here that I would love to affiliate with tales_fst! :D


kitty_catline July 11 2008, 17:50:22 UTC
Okay, great! ^_^ Thank you!
Sorry about the privacy option, I totally forgot I had it turned on. @_@


solerika July 11 2008, 17:54:02 UTC
Haha~ No worries! I get confused with how LJ has things set up! x_X


arc_du_ciel July 30 2008, 03:56:52 UTC
So this is kind of random XD but you seemed pretty chill from your elementals_ post... Friends?


kitty_catline July 30 2008, 23:58:25 UTC
Haha, sure, why not? ^_^ But, be prepared for next to no entries from me- I usually only surf and comment (and rate, or course~). XD


arc_du_ciel July 31 2008, 01:08:49 UTC
That's cool. =] Surfing is always fun... *has spent way too much time lurking*


kitty_catline July 31 2008, 03:55:40 UTC
^_^ Haha, number 1 thing in common: Lurking!

btw, you're icon's adorable. @_@


haruharusaku August 11 2009, 19:40:08 UTC
I love your Vampire Diaries FO banner. ♥


kitty_catline August 11 2009, 21:44:25 UTC
<3 Another VD fan? Yay! xD And thanks. :]

Have you read the books? Or have you just seen the TV show previews? :3


haruharusaku August 12 2009, 15:57:38 UTC
Yeah! your welcome. :)

I haven't seen the previews yet, but I read the books and loved them. <3
I can't wait to watch it though!! <3<3


kitty_catline August 12 2009, 19:27:11 UTC
The previews actually make it look like they didn't totally ruin it, so I'm hoping. *has fingers crossed* And you have no idea how happy I am that you've read the books. xD Whenever I talk to someone about VD, they always say they've never read the books but are looking forward to the series. >_>


waitasec September 30 2009, 15:33:57 UTC
hi, I wanna invite you to join the new The Vampire Diaries community tvdicons :)
Take a look at the community and, if you like, join us. TIA.


kitty_catline October 1 2009, 00:45:14 UTC
I'd love to! :D Anything with VD, I'm in. :]


rockin_ash01 March 8 2010, 18:06:06 UTC
Hey! I saw you over at disney_heroes and we have a lot in common. Add me?


kitty_catline March 8 2010, 22:21:45 UTC
Sure thing! :D You seem really cool! ^_^

Plus, despite the post being made two years ago, I love the power rangers SPD rp promotion. SWEET.


rockin_ash01 March 8 2010, 22:23:52 UTC
I'm Maia.

Lol. Thank you!


kitty_catline March 8 2010, 22:34:35 UTC
:] And I'm Catline. Nice to meet you!


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