Title: Justement, Je Regrette Les Zombies (11/14)
Fandom/Pairing: Inception, Arthur/Eames, Ariadne/Fischer
Overall Rating: PG-13
Overall Warnings: Language, violence, character un-death
Wordcount: 4,049
Notes: So sorry I didn't post last week! I got a little behind...okay a lot behind on my editing. So, here's the next chapter! I have never
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Comments 8
*hugs Cobb and Eames* Poor guys. Arthur and Mal are unaware, but the two of them... God. I can't even imagine.
Yeah. But torturing them is so much fun!
Eames's dream...oh gawd, that was so horrific. Your zombies are among the most frightening but also with that very faint glimmer of hope *cheers on Yusuf* and I am just so invested in this!
The discussion about going to New York was refreshingly civilized (well, except for Nash) and I'm glad that Ariadne and Fischer will be together.
So excited for next week and I really am loving this (just in case, you know, you didn't notice). XD
I really enjoyed writing Eames's dream. Though my beta never failed to crack up when she read the line about the half-eaten waiter and Arthur's gentlemanly dabbing at his mouth. ...I'm not sure why. xD Also Yusuf = A BOSS.
Personally, I'm not a big fan of New York. Too big a city for me. But hey, if they want to go there, they can go if they want. ;)
Thank you so much, darling!
You write and are telling this story SO WELL, this is just awesome. I have so MUCH love for this story, and as always i can't WAIT for the next chapter!
I have so much love for YOU, you wonderful person. Thank you.
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