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Comments 45

greenlight6 October 21 2011, 20:09:03 UTC
awwww poor Cain! D:

AVERY IS MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITE. Excuse the caps but HE. IS. SO. CUTE. And I really really love that name for a boy :3


kittenmittons November 17 2011, 21:26:04 UTC
I know, I felt so bad for the poor boy. But he's pretty happy-go-lucky (see also: INSANE) as nothing could get him down - he's the epitome of "if at first you don't succeed, try again." ;)

I totally excuse the caps! He is worth the caps, imo. I'm glad you like that name, I was pretty excited to get a chance to use it!

Thanks for reading!


katehhepburn October 21 2011, 21:07:58 UTC
I love that once again put it in my video came on while I was reading this. Eli is too cute I can't with him. I am trying desperately to find an up all night .gif that properly expresses my fondness over him.


kittenmittons November 17 2011, 21:28:10 UTC
Haha, it's ~meant to be. ;) Eli is definitely one of the cutest in-game toddlers I've had - the chubby cheeks and elf ears absolutely slay me!

I haven't watched Up All Night, should I? I mean, it has Will Arnett, so I'd certainly be up for trying it!

Thanks for reading! <3


katehhepburn November 18 2011, 00:41:34 UTC
The cute hair too.

I like it, it sort of makes me think if Gob grew up and had a family and if Veronica Cornish from Ron Burgundy had a baby and decided to raise it knocked up style.

omg your icon reminded me, have you heard camp? Also :( community.


kittenmittons November 22 2011, 02:22:51 UTC
That hair was totally worth actually using the EA store, which I am generally against. It is super cute though, I agree!

Haha, okay, I'm sold on that! They should hire you for marketing because that is an amazing description.

I'm actually listening to Camp right now for the first time! I, um, forgot about it until I saw it for sale in an actual store - I've never seen one of his albums in a CD store before! And I'm trying to stay positive about Community. One more season, that's all I ask. :\


jossoco October 21 2011, 22:28:15 UTC
Aw of the toddlers were so damn cute! Especially with those mmrple genes in them (excuse me if I spelled their surname wrong -_-)

I'm so jealous Pumpkin works in your game, the second I open her in CAS she crashes mine! How in the hell are your elders outliving their own children? That's so sad they have to go through their kids' deaths :(


kittenmittons November 17 2011, 21:31:54 UTC
Thank you! (And don't worry, I consistently had to look up how to spell Mrmpfle for a good while. My phone's autocorrect has now learned it so I'm in business!) I'm pretty much thrilled with these toddlers, to be honest. And the ones to come. I mean, what?

Really? That's strange. I'm sorry for the fact that you can't use her though; she's adorable! I think Aria is practically immortal. I can hope, anyway.

Thanks for reading, dear!


doylelegacy October 21 2011, 22:49:10 UTC
the Cazwell gif's make their triumphant return! *brofist*

is it at all possible for your sims to birth anything less than flawless children? i don't think that it is. seriously, seriously adorable children, i am in awe.

also, the awkwardness that is Sam and Cain, omg, i am dying from the pure unadulterated cute.

i think Eli is possibly the cutest baby ever, btw. his "omgz treat!?" face is epic. (the last gif gave me nightmares, no lie >.>)


kittenmittons November 18 2011, 05:24:29 UTC

Except that I have exhausted my supply of Cazwell gifs and have no more to give. *cries* My love is all I have to give. /BSB

That means a lot coming from you of the flawless Doyle children. Thank youuuuu. Not even gonna be modest - this generation is pretty flawfree, negl.

I just . . . really wanted an excuse to use that gif. But focus on the cuteness! Chubby cheeks! Elf ears! Faux-hawk! CUTE! XD


doylelegacy December 26 2011, 02:28:07 UTC
i hope everyone appreciates the shenanigans you had to go through in order to get those Cazwell gif's... looooool

i miss the days of man buttcheeks shaking on my simblr dash :')

also, i about fainted when i saw Re and Zeph's love ranch. augh. love those two sfm <3


kittenmittons February 2 2012, 19:47:42 UTC
Really belated reply, but whatever, I'm going for it anyway.

Given the way that I actually gained Tumblr followers through that whole ordeal, I think people appreciated it, lol. I may have to break them out again in the future, but I'm going to wait and hit people when they don't expect it. STEALTH ATTACK. I will bring that back to your simblr dash, so help me God.

I know you do! So do I, especially after, um, SEEING THE CHILDREN. O_o I will be updating on that more soon, especially if Chrome (which I'm trying out as a browser because Safari keeps acting up on me all of a sudden) agrees with Tumblr. Fingers crossed!


simmply_anna October 21 2011, 23:20:10 UTC

My love for you and your game and your sims and your legacy is never ending. Just saying.

I'm also totally in love with January. She's so cute! And Eli! I want to eat his little face! (Sidebar, why is it that as a girl, I always want to eat things that are cute? OH RIGHT! I EAT MY FEELINGS!)

If Savanna tries to cause trouble, I hope Re kicks her ass. It must happen. Oh! Showdown!


kittenmittons November 18 2011, 05:50:43 UTC
TY BB! Honestly, I was looking for any reason to possibly use that gif. I MEAN . . IT TOTALLY FITS WITH THE STORY, I DID NOT HAVE TO FORCE IT IN THERE AT ALL. *whistles* Right.

Awwww, MY LOVE FOR ALL THINGS YOU IS NEVER ENDING! No, seriously, let's live in Andy's love-tent together for all eternity, y/y?

... )


simmply_anna November 18 2011, 06:03:50 UTC
Honestly, I forgot how flawless your gif use was this update. FUCKING TYROL MAN! AND ADAMA! BRB! NEED TO GO CRY NOW!

K. I'm back. I will totally love in Andy's love tent with you. I'll be Andy, you be April. It's perfect.

THEY ARE MRMPFLE BABIES AREN'T THEY? Damn. The Mrmpfle genes are strong. But that's not why I love them. It's cause they're perfect Crescendo/Mrmpfle mixes and bah! So cute!

Uhm yes, you should go eat that feeling immediately. Like now. Actually, I also forgot about that conversation. Ooops.


kittenmittons November 22 2011, 02:27:39 UTC
I glanced back at my gifs for this update and it's like . . . BSG, P&R, Community, and a token "Ice Cream Truck" gif. Basically a summation of my life, tbh.

OKAY! Done deal. I commit myself to selling your CDs for $18 each or $40 for the pair. It's true love!

They are SO Mrmpfle, which is exactly why I love them. ;) But really, I think the fact that our sims create such gorgeous children is just proof that, were we able to, we'd also create gorgeous children. Too creepy? I kind of full-out committed to being a creep here.

I think I'm conditioned so that whenever I hear about eating feelings now, I'll be like, "Hmm, meatball sub."


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