crescendo 2.7

Mar 08, 2011 23:29

PREVIOUSLY, Noro married Andrew Snyder (samannah), prompting a family reunion at their wedding. Andrew then proceeded to knock up Noro with autonomous regular woohoo, like great, thanks for that . . . But it was okay, as Noro gave birth to a single boy, Ares. Despite constant woohoo, Silas (sixamsims) did not manage to impregnate Glory, which earns him a non-sarcastic thank you from me. Degausser, Guernica, and Carolina aged into young adults, after the HARBINGER OF DOOM (Guernica) set her cake on fire, sending Andrew the cop to run out the door in terror and pass out on the porch. Zephyrus, Sunday, and Emma Kate also aged up, though without the cake, lest we have another fire in the place. Safety first, kids.

Now that their children are somewhat self-sufficient, Glory and Silas will probably have even more time for, well, this. Not like they didn't already, I suppose.

On the other side of the wall, Sunday and Emma Kate have already learned to sleep right though it.

Something tells me that these kids have been desensitized early . . .
EMMA KATE: Yay, Mom! Yay, Dad! I feel so close to you right now! +

ZEPHYRUS: This house is awesome!

Oh, you decided to stop scarring your children for the moment and take it back to the bedroom? Good on you!

I would comment that perhaps that's not appropriate attire but honestly? They've seen worse.

Carolina is pretty single-minded in her new obsession.
CAROLINA: Yep. This is the life.

Lest you think nobody takes care of Remember and Ares, here are Silas and Degausser proving you wrong!

With Silas out of bed, that means Glory must be as well, and therefore, she takes the time to bond with her daughters with that ol' Crescendo pastime.
GLORY: Lean into the turn, that way you regain full control when you come out of it, you see?
SUNDAY: But Mom, you just hit me!
GLORY: All a part of the learning experience.

Zeph is busy reading in Guernica and Carolina's room. Careful there Zeph, you could become as anti-social as Guernica!

Case in point.

If you're wondering where Glory disappeared to, there's no need to wonder. Really.
GLORY: So, the kids are downstairs. What say we take advantage of that?
However, I like to think the photo of teenaged Glory approves.

Meanwhile, across the hall . . .

Are you getting a feel for the second level of the house yet? I think the downstairs has its own sanctioned activity as well, as the kids will demonstrate for you.

EMMA KATE: Okay, ease into the turn, you got this . . .

EMMA KATE: No! This is NOT how it's supposed to work! Work better, you stupid controller!

ZEPHYRUS: Heh. This is fun.

Perhaps he is unperturbed by his sister because of the new dishwasher he just received? It's slightly disconcerting that not only is he a child celebrity, but he is being sent a dishwasher, of all things.

This would normally be more disconcerting than the dishwasher, except that unlike last time, this did not come about autonomously.

Cross-eyed and in front of Bret and Jemaine? Must mean she's about to pop!

And then promptly throw up. Typical Crescendo pregnancy.


GLORY: Happy birthday to you-
GUERNICA: Indeed, happy birthday to you.
GUERNICA: I'm trying to blow it out.

Nothing to see here. Nope.

Thanks for playing, rather good-looking firefighter, but Degausser and his brave trait already got this fire under control. OF WHICH THERE WILL BE NO MORE. And no, not only because Guernica will be moving out soon, but also because I realized that with Aria's two dozen + (!!!) lifetime rewards, she didn't have the fireproof homestead one. RECTIFIED.

Remember rolled the shy trait, just like her cousin Zeph. ♥

DEGAUSSER: Wait - there was cake here just a second ago, where did the cake go?!
Sorry bb, with the chaos from the fire, Ares won't have time for a cake before aging up.


Here is Ares, resplendent with Andrew's hair and Noro's eyes and skintone. And his evil trait.

DEGAUSSER: Evil or not, he should've had cake.

ANDREW: Oh my God, she's getting a bit fat - what if it's a tumor? Oh, I can't even think of that! She needs to go to a doctor so I don't have to think of that!
This is when I realized that Noro had not yet told Andrew that she was pregnant again.

ANDREW: You mean it's not a tumor? Oh, happy day!

NORO: Would a tumor kick at your ear?
ANDREW: Oooooh!

ANDREW: One day, one day soon, you can have shoes! All the better to kick with, I say!

With a baby coming, it was high time for the last spares of generation two to move out.
GUERNICA: Peace out, family!

DEGAUSSER: Yeah, peace out!

CAROLINA: "Peace out," they say? I've got this, just get the fingers nice and stretched . . .

CAROLINA: Wait - MOVING OUT?! It's not fair, and I won't go, so there!
She went. I assure you that she went. Bye bbs! ♥

And the newly updated upstairs hallway, aka The Spare Wall. Damn, those girls photograph well, don't they? I hope SP is kind to them!

Speaking of Story Progression, the lovely and angry Tautou had twin girls, fathered by my very own Jackson Wycherley. Needless to say, I AM EXCITE.

Here is Asha.

And this is Winter.

Okay, now back to the actual legacy, I suppose . . .

Aria seems to be getting a bit senile in her very old age.
ARIA: Aria, you're in the way! How do you expect me to put these sandwiches down if you're in the way?

NORO: Oh, woe, how ever will Ares be potty trained if Mom's not up for it?

NORO: Never mind, I've got this.

That's Ares' potty-training face. I . . . don't really think it needs further comment, tbh.

NORO: This kid-rearing is so tiring, I just want to go to bed and leave this for Mom . . .
ARES: Bed!
NORO: Oh, you're tired? Well, then!


Poor Remember was having what looks like a pleasant dream across the room, no thanks to the shrieking Ares.

I took pity on the poor girl and moved her across the hall to bunk with her cousins.

Not like they're much better in dealing with basic needs.
ZEPHYRUS: Note to self, pee before bed.

And I forgot to get a picture of Noro when she went into labor, so here, have a cute picture of Andrew falling on the treadmill at the same time Noro was in labor.
ANDREW: Oh! Gravity!

I decided not to go through the infant stage this time because it's boring and apparently I couldn't be bothered at the time. Which has an obvious bright side: seeing what the babies (of course that's plural, come on now) look like right away!

First up is Biko, a boy with Andrew's hair and Noro's everything else, including traits. I see a momma's boy in the making.

And his twin sister Chance, who is so named because I realized that so far I had an A-name followed by a B-name and, what do you know, a C-name that I could use, gendered names be damned.
More interesting than that, however, is that she, like her big brother Ares, is also evil. And both Emma Kate and Re are good. Which means . . .

Good vs. evil, oh yes.

Chance has already began to recruit her minions.
CHANCE: And you twist its head off like this, you see?

Biko, however, remains more interested in mundane, normal toddler-like activities.

Chance moves quickly with making her first move against Remember.
REMEMBER: I think I liked my family better before there were more babies . . . I just felt the evil come into the room, like a chill!

REMEMBER: You're how old? No way, Grandma! Did you turn back time or something?
I see that Re is going for her own allies.

ARIA: Not turn back time, no, but I do have the knowledge to do so, in a way. It's a magical thing called "ambrosia."

REMEMBER: Uh-huh. Sure.

REMEMBER: I mean - you're awesome, Grandma! If you say you can turn back time, I believe you!
Attagirl. You make those allies!

Speaking of families members growing close, right?
ZEPHYRUS: I'm sorta uncomfortable with this, you know.
I can only imagine.

In less amusing glitches, the kids are once again back to standing around outside the school. I can usually get all four of them in by the end of the day, but ugh, is it ever annoying.

However, they did make it through the glob of people to bring home their cousin Griffin one day! He fits in just fine, I'd say, despite the fact that, for once, none of his cousins flocked to the video game system.

While I'm at it, I suppose I could show you Griff's newest siblings, which is another set of boy-girl twins.

Here's Rylan, with Luca's everything. Except siouxpergirl and I have speculated that he may have McGuire lips. Oooh, exciting!

And Michaela, who, despite Luca's coloring, I think will probably be more similar to Jacqueline and therefore GORGEOUS.

Zeph rolled the want to hang out with his mother, who was so, so close to maxing out her logic skill, so chess it is.
ZEPHYRUS: Mom, these chess pieces aren't moving on their own, I think there's something wrong with your chess set.
GLORY: Oh, honey, didn't we have this discussion already? About how not everything you read in those Harry Potter books is real?

ZEPHYRUS: No, there's definitely something wrong with the chess pieces not moving. I'm almost eleven, and then I'll get my Hogwarts letter and I'll bring you a proper chess set from Diagon Alley, you'll see.

Glory moved on to playing someone who could more easily accept the realities of chess. Though he could not so easily accept the fact that his wife is much better at chess than him and therefore kicks his ass before he heads off to work.
SILAS: The things I do for marriage.

Silas was supposed to age into an adult a day or two ago but he was working and therefore didn't. So I was unprepared for him to go to a job and begin to age up in front of only Jude and the "young" and "hip" mayor.

I was also unprepared for him to age up into this hair.
SILAS: What? I'm totally rocking it.

I suppressed my temptations and gave him back his old hair, so not only does he act the same, but he looks it too.
SILAS: Hmm, your body's looking particularly young and nubile today.

ZEPHYRUS: Note to self, eat before bed.

She does this every morning upon getting out of bed. ♥

Well, this isn't something that we see every morning. Hey, Carolina, dropping by to say hi?


Noro met up with another recently-kicked-out-spare while she was working: Degausser!

NORO: Hey, have you heard about the moon that Glory discovered? Jason Bateman?

DEGAUSSER: What? I thought that was the planet or something.
NORO: No, that's Christian Bale. Or Kristen Bell.
DEGAUSSER: I'm so confused!

Noro's kind of a confusing girl. This is how she teaches her children to walk.
NORO: Okay, and arms out for balance!

Noro's job and toddler-rearing have left Andrew with a lot of time to try to bond with his step-daughter.
ANDREW: So, I heard you like ponies.
ANDREW: Unicorns?

Remember has an easier time bonding with one of the paparazzos that stalks the family.
REMEMBER: I heard a rumor that my Aunt Glory is playing tag in the backyard with Zephyrus. But you didn't hear it from me.
PAPARAZZO: Thanks for the tip, kid.

PAPARAZZO: So the kid was right. What a scoop!
GLORY: Fantastic. Can't even play tag in my own backyard. This is going to be just great for my burgeoning career as a spy.

Know what will be great for that career and also safe from further stalkage? Finally maxing out that logic skill.

And done! Doesn't she look just thrilled?

And there goes Silas' LTW! Most successful chess session ever, y/y?

Their daughters remained uninterested in such mundane things as chess.

ANDREW: Look at the girls just being kids. Kids. Hmmm. I could do with another one or two of those.


This miracle rainbow over Redcliffs signifies the miracle it is that Noro is not pregnant. It's a metaphorical rainbow!


Aria made a run for him, but he'd disappeared before she got to him. /crying forever

Aria took out her pain by cuddling Chance.
ARIA: It's just hard to see your parents and your aunt and uncle, and then I have nobody and I finally have an opportunity to see him, and it just doesn't happen. Fall for someone younger than you, okay, sweetie? Then you won't be left all alone in the world.
Is that why you've rolled the want to hang out with Ezra Pierce, the town gigolo, Aria?

Aria does a good point; there's a lot of romance in this house.
NORO: You came to find me in the bathroom just to woo me?
ANDREW: I just couldn't bear to be without you for another second!
NORO: Oh, Andrew, that's so sweet!
ANDREW: I was about to go to bed, and can't bear to try to sleep without you - join me?
Despite the fact that I think Andrew may have ulterior motives (BABY!), these two are still sickeningly cute together. ♥

Aria takes out her emotional pain by tempting physical pain. This doesn't look safe to me, not one bit . . .

Silas is on the exact opposite end of the scale, really. Since achieving his LTW, he's become kind of a slacker, skinny dipping in his client's hot tub while the ghosts chill behind him.
SILAS: Looked long and hard, but I just can't seem to find any ghosts here. Pity.

Back at the homestead, the girls are discussing very important matters.

EMMA KATE: Okay, before we can be best friends, I need to know your thoughts on something. Muscly men: good or bad? No lying here, I'm serious about this.

SUNDAY: Um, you mean like men that use weights and stuff? They're okay, I guess. I mean, I hadn't really thought about it before, but I think they're okay. Is that right?

EMMA KATE: Yay, we're on the same level! We can be best friends now!
SUNDAY: Oh, yay!
This friendship seems to be built upon a strong base. I approve.

Zeph, on the other hand, is busy doing his homework.
ZEPHYRUS: Hey, Mom, what's the chemical formula for water?

GLORY: I don't know, honey, it's just too bad that we don't have a genius who could help you out.
Well, Andrew's a genius, but that wouldn't give me a segué to another too-cute-for-words genius.

LOGAN! Who has autonomously reached his LTW, because he is full of win, and whose house Emma Kate was invited to by her cousin Francois.

Alexis doesn't seem very good at holding people's attention in a conversation. Emma Kate and Lena have some serious faces of judgment there, while Alice (gringotts) has just spaced out entirely.

But she has my full attention because she is just too adorable, my God. ♥

Zephyrus is having an encounter with another cousin, Marcie.
MARCIE: You're it!
ZEPHYRUS: Whoa, hold on there. I was about to shower! Why did you follow me in here when I was about to shower?

MARCIE: I said you're IT.
She takes tag very seriously.

SUNDAY: Did somebody say SHOWER? This is awesome! We should keep it like this forever! 8D

NEXT TIME, birthdays, birthdays, birthdays! And the answer to the cliffhanger: will the tub get fixed? I know you're just on the edges of your seats now!

generation: two, legacy: crescendo, !sims

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