Dr. Tiller killed

May 31, 2009 11:37

I'm visiting my parents in Wichita, Kansas this weekend. They just came home from church and said that Dr. George Tiller, a member of their congregation, was shot in the head and killed. Dr. Tiller performs abortions here in Wichita, and has for many years. He was shot in both arms in 1993 during the so-called "Summer of Mercy" protests but has continued his practice in spite of being kicked out of his former church. He then joined Reformation, my parents' church, who refused to kick him out despite protestors showing up every Sunday and screaming at them through bullhorns. The protestors got ahold of the church roll and have sent ugly postcards and letters to members of the congregation, including my parents.

Dr. Tiller was an usher today, and was going to get a cup of coffee in the lobby when a man came out of the sanctuary and shot him. At least one other usher witnessed it, but was afraid to tackle the man because he was afraid he might get shot as well. The man made it out of the church and into his car. He drove off, but another usher got his license plate number.

I'm going to watch the news now, not that it will probably tell me anything new.....my parents commented that they heard the gunshot, but it sounded like a "pop" and they didn't realize what it was. The sound of a good man being murdered by a purpose-driven lunatic turned out not to be so ominous.

This man who shot him has attended Reformation many times, apparently looking for the best chance to kill Tiller. I'm sure some church members know his name, and many of them definitely know his face. He will not get away with this. I doubt he expected to. That, in a way, only makes it worse.

I'll have to stop now. I'm too busy crying and shivering with rage.
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