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Comments 12

notalwaysweak November 3 2010, 10:45:49 UTC
That's one crazy reaction from your babysitter.

Man, I love the way you write.


kittehkat November 3 2010, 11:15:16 UTC
I agree. Completely batshit. Hahahah.

Aw, thank you! It means the world, from you. <3


tattooedsappho November 3 2010, 17:34:25 UTC
dude. babysitter needs a chill pill. life - wtf? dayum.


kittehkat November 3 2010, 20:22:21 UTC
Yeah, she was kinda cray. Hahaha.


kiwifire November 3 2010, 19:57:06 UTC
Aww. This story still gets me, but it's so much better in person, lol... >.> I like your answer! It's very fitting. And I sniff too. People do comment on it. =\ Is it so weird?


kittehkat November 3 2010, 20:28:57 UTC
It's a rather funny story, I think, especially in person -- it translates a bit dry and matter-of-factly here. You can't tell that the whole thing, in retrospect, is laughable.

APPARENTLY it is weird. I've been called on it multiple times.

Mom cracks up because Delilah and I act the same way, apparently -- sniffing each bite we take/bit of food we're given, even if it's the same thing over and over. Me and the dog are like BFFs. :P


pierhias November 3 2010, 19:58:09 UTC
You know that I don't resent not being able to smell, but you make it sound completely amazing!


kittehkat November 3 2010, 20:41:44 UTC
I really, really believe that you can't miss what you haven't had. You can project and long, sure, but it's never quite the same.

(I still feel bad when I forget and describe how something smells or explain a scent to you because I often forget.)

It makes me wonder if your senses compensate, maybe, too, like mine did. Do you see things in brighter colors, notice more details, understand texture better? Hmmm.


ieke85 November 3 2010, 20:26:35 UTC
Huh. I didn't know you were half-blind. What a way to start off life!

That babysitter story is even better (worse?) the second time around after seeing some of your more recent writing. It seems... I dunno... bigger.


kittehkat November 3 2010, 20:58:15 UTC
The whole reason I got my Lasik done at 19 was because they told me that my eyes were only going to get worse, not better. Eyes normally mature and improve a bit at 22yrs for women, with a key hormone shift. They predicted my eyes would decline then so I might as well get it done then to try to help as much as possible. At that time, I was -8 and -13. -8 is usually the absolute worst they operate on and it usually only brings patients to 20/30. They figured I'd still have to wear glasses afterward, but that they were preserving what I had and lengthening my time of sight. They ended up getting me to 20/30 and 20/20 respectively, which doesn't require glasses. But, in their minds, I was headed toward actual medical blindness. I don't know if you ever saw my eyeglasses up close, but the lenses were made of the polycarbonate thinnest-humanly-possible material and they were still 1/2cm thick at their thinnest part.

Hahaha, yeah? I think it really conveys who I am, above all else. Of course I'd have to smell the milk. Hahah.


lunylucy November 4 2010, 03:43:40 UTC
I didn't know this about you! That's so fascinating.

Also I know you're squinting there but that picture is so cute!


kittehkat November 4 2010, 05:36:22 UTC
What, my blindness? lol It's true.

... )


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