Tweet a little louder

Jun 06, 2010 04:44

Two things, then, before I think out a substantial post, and later spam you with photos, eh?

First, I like kylecassidy's (outstanding photographer and friend of Neil Gaiman's) perspective on Twitter versus LJ, or, rather, The role of Twitter in a blogging world. I know there's some bitter feelings about quite a few LJers moving mostly to Twitter. I get it, ( Read more... )


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Comments 13

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kittehkat June 7 2010, 11:51:37 UTC
No -- I can throw infinite minutia about my life at you anytime via IM. Not a big deal. ;)

Thank you, thank you! :) Sometimes it's rather dodgy, and I often realize after I've finished shooting and am no longer in the area what a good shot/cooler angle I totally missed out on. I've also realized what I prefer shooting vs what I'm better at with surprising results. Very excited to see you start yours. :)


pennswoods June 6 2010, 13:27:07 UTC
I adore the blue streaks in your hair!


kittehkat June 7 2010, 12:01:56 UTC
Thank you! Decided to be a little crazier over summer. :)


kinjuru June 6 2010, 15:41:49 UTC
cooool! Love the hair! I have a friend who recently dyed her entire head of hair a tropical blue and i love it. What are the tentacles on the hand from? It looks awesome


kittehkat June 6 2010, 20:30:47 UTC
From me being weird! It's just one of my photos from my 365 project. Hahaha.


pierhias June 6 2010, 17:57:36 UTC
The main problem I have with twitter is that I miss almost all of it. Like I see Jamie and Jacque and you having conversations. But I see it hours after it happened, and to keep myself "informed" I'd have to read up on pages worth of tweets.
An lj post I can read and comment on hours later, no problem. With twitter and its 140 signs, that just doesn't make any sense at all.

And while I love hearing the tiny and fun bits about my friends' lives, what honestly matters to me when I can't interact with people on a regular basis, are the more "important" things. The ones that warrant a post longer than 140 signs.

Your photography is amazing! I love looking at your pics. Except maybe the tentacle one, that freaks me out, lol.


kittehkat June 7 2010, 12:12:00 UTC
Your thoughts: completely right and spot-on. Twitter's only mainstreamed LJ a bit more, I think -- now posts are beefier, more thought-out, more... important, maybe, even... because they are more likely to express what 140 characters can't. Plus, eh, no one really needs to know every though, action, musing, or belief that floats to mind.

At the same time, I think I crave that interaction a lot. The more I hear about people's daily lives, the more I care, and the less apt I am to miss them. Selfish, yes, but I like to know.

lol Thank you! I think HP crack ruined us all for ~tentacles. Giant Squid nightmares for life!


lunylucy June 7 2010, 19:26:08 UTC
Yeah catching up on Twitter is definitely a big challenge. The only reason I manage it is because of the twitter apps on the iphone. Othwerise it's really annoying to keep clicking "load more" or whatever on the front page. It really is built to be in-the-moment sort of interaction.


ambellina June 6 2010, 18:35:42 UTC
Your hair looks awesome!!!



kittehkat June 7 2010, 12:12:16 UTC
Why, thank ya!


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