
Dec 31, 2009 17:01

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Comments 21

sea0tter12 January 1 2010, 00:09:06 UTC
Woot! I thought I was going to be bored tonight at work ... now I have something to work on :)


sea0tter12 January 1 2010, 00:14:53 UTC
OK, this might be a dumb question, but I didn't see it after reading through twice :) I assume I post the application to enlist_in_fleet?


rotae January 1 2010, 00:18:15 UTC
Yes! And I've edited the post to be clearer. Lemme know if there's anything else that seems weird. I've looked at this for waaaaay too long to know now XDDD



sea0tter12 January 1 2010, 00:24:16 UTC
lol, I completely understand! The other thing that might be nice in the post where you get the app is a link to where you can ask questions? It wasn't until I went out into the rest of the community that I saw that post.


elohisa January 1 2010, 02:48:53 UTC
What fun!

Out of curiosity, who's your least favorite ST character? I glanced at the application, only to realize that I don't know if I have one! I even like Wesley Crusher, who my sister despises. :D


kittehkat January 3 2010, 00:09:10 UTC
I had to fill out the application too. We tested it out on ourselves before subjecting the public to it. ;) Lots of tweaks you'll never see because we just continuously updated what they looked like until they were unveiled. Mine's here: http://community.livejournal.com/enlist_in_fleet/1150.html

The TL;DR version, though, is Kirk. (And now you'll have to read, then feel like you want to apply, right?!)


elohisa January 6 2010, 19:02:21 UTC
Your sneaky plan worked! I got so excited looking at your app that I had to apply, haha. You would be surprised how hard it is to find free internet access in Florida!

Yet I have applied, and that's what counts! :D

(It is sooo hard trying to comment on a phone, haha! I accidentally misposted this everywhere while trying to get to this post. XD )


pierhias January 1 2010, 10:00:53 UTC
I never regretted not knowing anything about ST. Until now.


kittehkat January 3 2010, 00:11:26 UTC
Well. Lots of people who will be applying are likely to have only been exposed to this summer's movie. If you watch it, and like it enough to be a nerd about it/not hate nerd conversations, I think it'd be totally cool for you to join. :)


pierhias January 3 2010, 18:56:36 UTC
Hmm. I looked over some of the starfleet applications, and there's some intriguing stuff there. I always wrote off ST as some weirdos flying around in a spaceship (lol, fail), so maybe I need to reconsider that and actually give it a chance.

But that fandom is freaking overwhelming, Idek where to start exploring XD


mcgooglykins January 1 2010, 10:02:44 UTC
Oh so this is what all those cryptic posts were about! *is excited*


kittehkat January 3 2010, 00:11:57 UTC


mcgooglykins January 3 2010, 07:24:10 UTC
*salutes* BUT OF COURSE.

(Oh god I'm looking at the app now. This is so much harder than the Hogwarts_Elite one. Possibly because I know next to nothing about Trek except that Captain Fine and First Officer Sexy are fine and sexy *shame*)


kittehkat January 3 2010, 08:13:01 UTC
No, no, not really! It's such a huge fandom, and you don't need to know that much but I feel like you know a ton, and also some people have only seen ST:XI... just... don't freak out! You will be fine! But not as fine as Captain Fine, sry to say. ;)


munanna January 1 2010, 10:10:06 UTC
Heeee!!! I'm working on my application right now. This is going to be amazing! ♥



kittehkat January 3 2010, 00:13:13 UTC
YAAAAAAAAY!!! I... I was sorting it, but then realized I was burning out. I've been doing work and Enlisting at the same time all day and I feel a bit stretched-thin. Will definitely get on it tonight after a bit of a break. So glad you applied! :D


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