ficlet: Driven

Feb 02, 2008 09:36

Title: Driven
Length: drabble
Author: M_K Yujji
Rating: PG
Genre: drama, humor
Pairing/Characters: Yoochun, Yunho (very vaguely implied YooHo)
Disclaimer: Though real people are used as characters, this fic bears no resemblance to Real Life and these people are not owned by me.

Comments/Notes: written for rivium7fold, YooHo...with the prompt snow. This started out intended to be another short humor bit. It got a little longer and a little more... fluffy-angst? angsty-fluff? Something... ^^;;

Summary: Yoochun understands things about Yunho.


“Guys! It's getting late and it's cold!” Jaejoong called from the window. “Come inside!”

The only answer was a snowball smacking against the wall next to his head and the sound of mingled snickering.

“When you get sick, don't come crying to me!” He yelled before retreating back inside, narrowly escaping the sudden barrage of snowballs against the glass.

In the yard below, Yunho and Yoochun collapsed against each other in laughter. Junsu had abandoned them as soon as the sun had started to dip into the horizon and the other two had refused to come out and play entirely. “Do you think he means it?”

Yoochun nodded. “He'll rub our noses in it if we get sick.”

“But he'll still take care of us.” They shared a knowing look before falling back into a heap in the snow. Almost absently, Yunho began moving his arms and legs to make a snow angel. “This was a good idea.”

“And to think, we had to drag you out here.” Yoochun's voice was amused and smug, but there was still an undercurrent of the worry that had led to the drastic measures. He rolled over and propped himself up on his elbows so that he could more easily observe the older man. After the long day of play, Yunho's cheeks were bright red from the cold and the fun. His eyes had drifted closed and he looked more relaxed than he had in weeks.

All five of them pushed themselves to their limits regularly, it was just a part of the life they lived. But no one pushed as far or as hard as Yunho. In some measure, Yoochun understood the things that drove Yunho. He understood what it was like to look at Jaejoong and feel ugly. He understood what it was like to talk to Changmin and feel dumb. He understood hearing Junsu and feeling like a talentless hack.

They each had their own little niche in the band, their own thing that stood out and made them shine.

Yoochun understood what it was like to see the popularity polls and feel as if that wasn't enough, sometimes.

Yunho had been even worse since his last back injury, though. And even though the others didn't seem to grasp why, Yoochun knew.

Dancing was Yunho's niche, his shining star.

It had been hard enough on Yunho that he couldn't do the dancing. To see someone else do his solos... To see Junsu change the solo... To hear fans scream and squeal and go on about how wonderful Junsu had done and how great the changes were...

Junsu had effectively, unintentionally, ousted Yunho from the one spot in the band that Yunho had always clung to as his.

Feeling threatened, most people would have lashed out at the source, but Yunho turned it inward. Not once had Yoochun seen Yunho snap at Junsu or berate him for the changes. If he had, perhaps the others would have realized why he was pushing so hard, forcing himself to improve more quickly.

But then, the others didn't have quite the same perspective on it that Yoochun did.

“What?” Yunho's eyes had opened at the lengthy silence and he was watching Yoochun in curiosity. “Is there something on my face?”

Seeing Yunho relaxed and happy was worth a cold, Yoochun decided.

Yoochun grinned, leaning down and dropping a peck onto the cherry red tip of Yunho's nose. “Yeah, frostbite. Come on, oh fearless one. I bet if we look really pathetic, Jaejoong will cave in and make us hot chocolate.”

Beaming, Yunho scrambled up and reached down to pull Yoochun to his feet as well. “Last one in has to do all the groveling!”

Yoochun didn't try very hard to win.
The End.

friendship, drabble, yoochun, yunho

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