Title: Troubled Times
Length: One-shot
Author: M_K Yujji
Rating: PG
Genre: angst, drama
Pairing/Characters: Yunho, Jaejoong - preJaeHo
Disclaimer: Though real people are used as characters, this fic bears no resemblance to Real Life and these people are not owned by me.
A/N: This was the fic that I wrote for
digindeeper in the
jaeho_exchange. When I sat down, I intended
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Comments 19
I'm glad that you liked it.
However, I'm not quite sure if Yunho is in denial over his feeligs for Jae or that he's still confused over his feelings for Jae whether is purely platonic or it's definately more than that...
I hope that there'll be a sequel...cause i would loved to know what happened after this...gosh their sexual tention is really putting a toll on Yunho, Jae and the rest of the members...
LOL. Yeah. The original intention for this fic was for that sexual tension to spill over and splash out some smut. It didn't work out that way. *sighs* they're more stubborn than I am, I'm afraid.
Yunho isn't in denial, really, or Jaejoong either, really. They're just.... dense.
I can't promise a sequel, but I'll try.
I truly, truly hope that you'll consider a sequel...it's too beautiful and sad to leave the ending like this...they're meant for each other....*puppy pleading eyes
I'm going to try to finish Unbalanced and maybe The Game before I consider more sequels. But who knows? The inspiration may just jump up and take hold of me one day.
lots of jaeho hints:)
hope there'll be a sequel
still, i like it, its nice. The prospect of leader-shii getting into a trouble is somewhat amusing to me ^_^
keep writing ^_^
this is very very nice.
like the jaeho undertones.
sometimes it isn't all fun and glamor. just pure hard work that do get you down and make you so weary. being leadershii isn't easy, huh?
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