The Sky, the Sea, and the Dawn

Jan 24, 2012 18:50

Title: The Sky, the Sea, and the Dawn
Rating: PG-13
Fandom: Final Fantasy VIII
Spoilers/Warnings: AU Pairing: Seiftis
Disclaimer: I do not own Final Fantasy VIII or its characters.
Summery: A lost princess, a knight without a lady, intrigue, and a quest to return home.


The Sky, the Sea, and the Dawn

As it turned out, Lady Kara ended up being Seifer's saving grace when it came to finding something for Quisty to wear to the solstice celebrations. The blond woman had cornered him in the library while he was researching one afternoon.

"So, Almasy. It sounds like you need help." She perched on the library table he was using and blocked his main avenue of escape. "Lucky for you, I'm here."

He stared up at her, startled and slightly panicked.

Kara just laughed. "Like I couldn't figure out why you were so intent on figuring out the local genealogy. You've found some lady you fancy who is an impoverished noble. She won't tell you her background because she's embarrassed, and you need to know exactly who she is so you can officially introduce her to Princess Rinoa. Lee and I figured it out almost immediately."

Seifer let out the breath he was holding. That was actually a completely safe and reasonable explanation for what he was doing. "I fail to see why I'd need your help."

The woman just smirked at him. "I know how you operate. Given your caution and the fact that you've kept all this quiet so far, I'd say you don't want to throw her into the current feeding frenzy that is the court at the moment. She probably doesn't want to face the court either if she is impoverished. Even if she does have appropriate court attire, it can't be in the latest styles. And while I am quite sure you would purchase her a new wardrobe yourself, you can't go ask the seamstresses to make you some gowns. Not with out people starting to ask questions. That's where I come in."

Seifer blinked, feeling a little dizzy. It was no wonder that Kind Caraway sometimes used Lord Adama and Lady Thrace as special investigators. Still, he wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth.

"You're going to order them for me."

She nodded. "Exactly. Mostly because you've given Lee a legitimate excuse to hide out in the library for the past week. Nobody complains when you tell them you're helping the Princess' personal court with something. So, I'm going to need your lady's measurements. I'd prefer to actually have her for the fittings, but I wasn't sure if I'd actually be able to get that."

He shook his head. "I rather doubt it."

Not when Quisty was so very jumpy about any hint of discovery. Either of their friendship or her identity. Seifer hadn't quite puzzled out the latter yet. It was almost as if his Cariad wanted people to know who she was but was terrified of that happening at the same time.

"Well, the measurements will have to do. Now what exactly do you want for her?"

Seifer knew the answer to that without thinking. "Two court dresses, one in green and one in blue-grey. Have you seen the designs for what Rinoa and Selphie are wearing for the solstice celebrations?"

At her nod, he continued, "One of those as well. That's it for now at least. Let me know what the expenses are, and I'll get you the money. I'll try to have the measurements to you by tomorrow."

She nodded. "All right. I take it you'll want the solstice celebration gown done first?"

It was his turn to nod. "Thank you."

Kara flashed him a bright smile. "You're welcome."

With that obstacle out of the way, Seifer just had to get Quisty's measurements. And hopefully she wouldn't hit him for asking. Of course, that did mean he would need to make sure he saw her today. Not that Seifer was against that idea. It had been awhile since he'd seen more than just a glimpse of his lady, and that was definitely something he wanted to rectify. Still, finding the time to slip away when Quisty might be free was more of a problem. It wasn't until after the evening banquet that Seifer managed to get away from the court. Thankfully, his Cariad was not all that hard to find.

She was down on the beach, sitting with her back to a piece of driftwood and her knees pulled up to her chest. Seifer mostly recognized her by hair. No one else had quite that same shade of hair, and very few of the servants had hair that long.


Her head popped up at the sound of his voice. "Oh. It's you."

He settled on the sand beside her. It sounded like she had been crying. "Are you all right, Cariad?"

She rest her chin on her knees, staring out at the water. For a long moment she did not answer him.

"There are times when more than anything I just want to escape. And sometimes I wonder just how hard it would be to walk into the sea and keep going. I haven't tried that."

Seifer wrapped an arm around her pulling into his side. Anchoring her to him.

"Who hurt you?" he snarled.

But Cariad just shook her head and leaned against him. She made no reply, and Seifer took that to mean she could not tell him. Then he realized what that last bit she had said meant. His lady had tested the limits of her gaes. She probably knew very well what she could and could not do. That was rather encouraging. And it also meant that she could very well be trying to drop him hints when she could. He would have to pay more attention to exactly what she said. But he would worry about that later.

He pressed a kiss to the top of her head. "We will find a way to get you free. I promise."

Then Seifer decided that a change in subject was needed. "So, I'm guessing that you didn't hear about the latest court gossip."

With that he launched in a series of the more amusing events of the Summer Court so far. It wasn't too long until he had gotten her giggling at the tale of how Lady Hawkeye had dealt with her betrothed's most ardent pursuer by challenging the woman to a single combat duel. Lady Hawkeye had served in the military with her betrothed. Lady Suella had never done anything more strenuous than a night of dancing at a ball. Needless to say, the other court ladies chasing Viscount Mustang left him alone after that for the most part. And it wasn't until she had been laughing so hard at some of the stories that tears appeared in her eyes that Seifer dared asked her about her measurements. She promptly punched him in the arm.

Quistis was so tired. She didn't know why Aurelia and Calista had suddenly decided to run her ragged, but she had barely had a moment to herself lately. It was clear that both women were stepping up their games when it came to snaring their young men. So Quistis had been swamped with various tasks. It had been days since she had seen Seifer for more than just a moment or two passing in the halls. Seifer had easily become one of her coping mechanisms. Spending time with him helped get her through the rest of her day. So it wasn't surprising that not seeing him had an effect on her mood.

But she had other frustrations as well. Of course she didn't like being run ragged with her duties, but Quistis was used to the life of a servant by now, even if it wasn't typically this hectic. No, the things that were currently worrying her had more to do with the way her mistresses were going about getting their hooks into the young men that they were after and the fact that Seifer was one of those men. Also, there seemed to be a current of anti-sorceress sentiment that Countess Oriana was trying to stir up which concerned Quistis. More so now that she knew that Rinoa was a sorceress as well. Quistis could come up with several ways that Oriana could use that fact to her political advantage, and if she could think of them, Countess Oriana definitely could.

So, her cousin could quite possibly be facing problems from Oriana, and Quistis could not even warn her. In fact, Quistis didn't even know what Oriana might be planning. It was more than a little frustrating. There was really nothing she could do but worry, and that was hardly helpful to anyone. And it did not help that she had to listen to hours of gossip and accounts of court life that she would have been a part of. It seemed that everything lately was rubbing her face in the fact that she was no longer a part of the community that she had once felt at home in. And it seemed like there was nothing she could do to escape that.

Quistis was tired of being alone. She was tired of being isolated, and she was tired of having to keep secrets. Which probably prompted her comment to Seifer. She was not about to kill herself at the moment, though lately, that thought had been in her mind. If it became the only way to protect the people she loved from one of Oriana's plots, Quistis would do what she had to in order to keep them safe. Though she wasn't about to tell Seifer that at the moment.

His presence was comforting now, even if she wasn't sure why he wanted her measurements for clothes. Well, actually Quistis could guess at that, but she had no idea what he was up to. To be honest, Quistis was trying not to think about what he might have planned. If she thought about it, she would probably be terrified for him. Seifer was determined to find out who she was and to help her. And while Quistis was pretty sure that he was going to find out who she was, she did not know what would happen when he did. There were a number of very bad options that all seemed likely. Oriana was guilty of at least three serious crimes in regards to her treatment of Quistis, and she was probably guilty of more. The fact that she was alive and free to continue with her schemes told Quistis that Oriana was either very careful or very ruthless, quite possibly both.

That was not good news for Seifer and Quistis if they did not have a plan. But Quistis could not warn Seifer either thanks to the gaes. But she did not doubt that Oriana wouldn't hesitate to remove Seifer from the picture if she thought he was dangerous to her plans. And that terrified Quistis. It also rather terrified her to realize just how important Seifer Almasy had become to her. But he had slipped under her guard, and now Quistis was dreading leaving him behind when Summer Court ended. And the thought of being the cause of Seifer's death or being used to some how entrap him was worse. It would be just like Oriana to use her relationship with Seifer to manipulate Seifer into marrying one of the Carrente girls.

She had slipped back into her melancholy, despite Seifer's efforts to distract her, and he had clearly noticed.

"Cariad," his voice was gentle as the pair watched the sea, "are you really all right?"

She sighed softly as he tightened the warm wrapped around her shoulders. "Yes. Just melancholy. You don't have to stay."

Seifer just shook his head. "Nah. I don't mind."

Quistis had to admit that it was very soothing sitting here with him watching the waves. She wasn't exactly happy, but she was content for the moment. And Seifer's presence beside her was warm enough to ward off the evening chill. It was not normally so cold here in the summer, but Quistis could see the storm brewing on the horizon, and that was affecting the temperature. She wasn't worried about the weather. Watching storms was actually a pastime she missed from her childhood.

Yawning, she snuggled closer to Seifer.

"You're falling asleep on me, aren't you?" He pressed a kiss to the top of her head.

Quistis just shrugged. It was true. But she wasn't really ready to give this moment up and go back to the servants' quarters. She was too comfortable here, and really, she preferred spending her free time in Seifer's company. She was storing up all the memories she made with him to bolster her when she returned to the Oriana's estate. Because while part of her did truly believe that Seifer would find a way to help her escape the gaes, most of Quistis did not. She had done just about everything she could think of to break the gaes that she could think of short of killing herself (and she really didn't know if the gaes would allow her to do that), and often any hope of freedom was far off and distant. Quite frankly, she was afraid to really hope for fear of simply being disappointed. She had learned that lesson well in the early years of her imprisonment.

Shaking her head to chase away the dark thoughts, Quistis tried to simply enjoy the moment. Right now, things were just fine, and she shouldn't borrow trouble. She already had enough of her own.

Seifer was concerned about Cariad, but there wasn't much more he could do at this point except what he already was doing. And after that evening on the beach, Quisty did go back to her normal, slightly sarcastic self. Still, Seifer could see that the situation was weighing on her. He hadn't known her long enough to know if this was just something that happened at regular intervals (it couldn't be easy to bound like she was especially if this had been going on for years) or a more recent development. He was still puzzling about how to get the information he needed about gaes spells from Matron. All of his attempts had been unsuccessful so far, and attempts to research the subject on his own had proven futile.

Rinoa caught him as he was heading towards the library. "Father wants to talk to you Seifer."

There was something in her eyes that he couldn't quite read.


The princess nodded. "Yes. Come on."

As the two of them walked towards the King's temporary study, Seifer watched Rinoa. Something was bothering her. He tried to think of why the king might want to see him. There had not been any incidents that he'd been involved in lately that might cause a reprimand. He'd been too busy trying to figure out the mysteries that Cariad presented. So he probably wasn't in trouble. And as far as he knew, there had not been any major troubles with the Summer Court.

None of the possibilities that he could come up prepared him for the truth though. Seifer just stared at King Caraway.

"You want to make me Duke of Caledonia?"

The king nodded. "All of you from Centra will need titles here soon enough, and it makes sense. You are practically Rinoa's brother, so a duchy is appropriate. I would have given Caledonia to Squall, but there are too many hard memories here for Rinoa, so that didn't seem prudent. Besides, with its seaside location, it suits you quite well."

Seifer just nodded. He had not expected this at all. Well, he had expected a title of some sort once Rinoa came of age, but that was for practical reasons. But he'd expected it to be a minor one, not anything like this. He was in something of a daze as Caraway insisted on going through all of the paperwork and records with him. It would not be made official until an official court announcement and ceremony, but several hours later, Seifer had a basic idea of his new lands and title and the responsibilities that went with them. The whole time Rinoa watched something both pleased and sad in her eyes. Seifer guessed that had to do with the "hard memories" her father had mentioned. He was going to have to find out about that.

He also found that he needed to do something to clear his mind. It was all a little overwhelming, and on top of everything else that was going on, Seifer felt the need to do something that didn't involve thinking. So he went off in search of Squall for a sparring session. It was exactly what he needed. Sparring with Squall always took all of his attention, and it was a challenge. An hour later when they finished, Seifer was feeling a little more like himself.

So, Caledonia was his. Or would be soon enough. Seifer had the urge to start exploring the palace here. He was curious to see if he could find any answers in the castle's attics. There was so much about this place that lends itself to mystery: the fact that no one in Rinoa's closest circle wants to talk about it, its tragic history, and Quisty's connection to the place. This place seemed to tie into too many things, and Seifer had to admit he was curious. He did have a knack for poking his nose into things that were really none of his business, but often, Seifer couldn't help it, even if it did get him in trouble.

After searching for Cariad and not finding her at all, Seifer decided to do a little exploring. It did not take him long to find his way into the attics. It was clear that quite a few things had been put into storage, and with little rhyme of reason as far as Seifer could tell. One of the more interesting things that he came across was a collection of paintings. It didn't take Seifer long to figure out just why they were in storage. The first one was a portrait of King Caraway when he was younger and another man who could only be Caraway's brother.

Seifer studied the portrait. There was something oddly familiar about Prince Derek. It was his eyes Seifer finally decided. His eyes were just a few shades darker than Quisty's. Seifer rather thought he would have liked the man. From the portrait he got the impression that the man was always ready for the next adventure. The little that Seifer had managed to learn about the man backed that up.

Rummaging through the various chests proved interesting. Most of them contained clothes, but a few of them contained other things. Seifer found chest of armor and weaponry, and another with a collection of children's toys. But what was most intriguing to Seifer was the jewelry chest. He guessed it had belonged to Princess Idalia. It was what was inside that proved most interesting though. Most of the jewelry was what one would expect a royal to have. All of it was finely crafted and delicately made. However, there were a handful of pieces that Seifer immediately recognized. Two matching sets to be precise. Anyone from Centra would recognize the necklace, diadem, and bracelets are symbols of a sorceress. Princess Idalia had one set that was silver and moonstones, and one that was clearly an heirloom, made of gold and opals.

The thing was Seifer knew the pattern engraved on the older set. He frowned at the engravings. They tugged at his memory, but he couldn't place them. Carefully tucking both sets back in their protective clothes, Seifer packed up the jewelry chest and set it aside some place where he could easily find it again. Something told him that he'd just found an important piece of the puzzle, even if he didn't know where it fit in.

With a soft sigh, Quistis put the finishing touches on Aurelia's hair. Calista was already dressed and ready for the masquerade ball. Calista was dressed as a peacock while Aurelia's costume was that of a wood nymph. The costumes were both sleek and elegant, and Quistis had to admit that the young women made a pretty picture. Of course, neither were what she herself would have chosen. Quistis still remembered clearly discussions she'd had with Rinoa and Selphie over what costumes they wanted for their first official masquerade. Selphie had wanted to be a fox. Rinoa had been torn between being an angel or a firebird. Quistis herself had wanted to be a mermaid or some sort of water nymph.

She was left alone in her mistresses' quarters once they had swept off. Quistis made her way around the room carefully tidying up the various bits of clutter. It did not take her long to restore order to the room, and for once, neither Calista nor Aurelia had left orders for something for her to do while they were out. So she had free time on her hands if she wanted to do something. The only real problem with that was normally she'd spend her free time with Seifer, and he was he was at the same masquerade as her mistresses.

A thought occurred to Quistis, and she bit her lip. She probably could manage to slip into the ballroom and find a place where she could observe the party. It was the type of thing that servants did. And she wanted a chance to see Rinoa and Selphie close up. She had seen them both from a distance a few times since she had arrived at the Summer Court, but that didn't tell her anything. From what Seifer said, both of her surrogate sisters were doing quite well, but Quistis wanted to see it for herself.

It was not hard at all to find a hidden vantage point and watch the masquerade. In fact, Quistis found that she was not the only servant doing so. Of course, things were slightly complicated by the fact that she didn't know who was behind most of the masks. Quistis thought she spotted Selphie. At least, there was a girl dressed as fox who kept circulating around the room in a rather rapid fashion that was very reminiscent of Selphie. There was also a slightly non-traditional looking angel that Quistis had the hunch was Rinoa, in part due to the fact that she was always shadowed by a rather formidable looking wolf. If Quistis had to guess, that would be Sir Leonhart. She had yet to be able to figure out which of the men were Seifer.

There was something fascinating about watching the event without being a part of it. While Quistis could not always hear the conversations going on, there was a lot one could learn from body language and people's actions. For example, Calista was very clearly trying to attract the attention of the young man dressed as an old sun god from mythology. She would sidle up to him, lay a hand on his shoulder, bat her eyes, and everything else. He would always shrug her off and move away from her, even if it was just inches. And he always stood angled towards his companion, a blond girl dressed as a moon goddess. Given that their costumes matched, and they way the pair acted together, Quistis was baffled as to why Calista hadn't given up yet.

Most of what Quistis saw she liked. It seemed that the court was genuinely enjoying themselves, and most of the young people looked quite happy. There had been a few minor incidents that Quistis had caught, but for the most part, the masquerade seemed to be going quite well. And Rinoa's dazzling smile as her knight whirled her around the dance floor was priceless. It had been that smile that had confirmed to Quistis that the angel was her cousin. Deciding that she had seen what she needed to, Quistis slipped out of the ballroom and onto the terrace it opened onto

She kept the shadows as there were a number of people out here, partygoers who had wanted a breath of air and a few couples. It was slow going, but Quistis eventually reached the stairs down the beach. It didn't take her long to realize that she had been followed. Turning around, she came face to face a young man costumed as a dragon. She took a cautious step backwards, but the dragon simply shrugged slightly and peeled off his mask. Seifer's eyes met hers.

"I thought that was you." He grinned at her. "What do you think of the party?"

Quistis shrugged slightly. "It was interesting to watch."

"You mean you're glad you didn't have to deal with all of the insanity of political maneuvering and courtship going on."

"That too."

He reached out to take her hand, and the two of them just ended up wandering down the beach together, neither really talking much. Quistis let out a soft sigh and let herself relax. Seifer's company was a bit of a balm. Part of the reason she had left the masquerade was she was beginning to feel the familiar stirring of resentment. By all rights, she should have been participating in the masquerade as well. Ever since she had arrived here, Quistis had found it harder and harder to keep her emotions about being gaes bound tucked safely in their little box. At least when she was with Seifer, she could be herself for the most part.

Seifer squeezed her hand lightly. "Do you know what your mistresses' plans for the solstice are yet?"

She frowned at him slightly. "Probably the same thing as the rest of the court. Why?"

"I wanted to know if you would be free to attend the bonfires. It sounds like you will be."

Her frown deepened. "I'm not sure that's a good idea."

Seifer ran a thumb over the back of her hand. "Don't worry. No one is going to notice you. But you should be there. You're of Centran sorceress linage. The solstice is important."

Something about that statement seemed familiar, and Quistis could remember spending solstice evenings dancing on the beach with her mother.

"I'll try to be available."

That seemed acceptable to Seifer. The two of them continued their stroll down the beach. Quistis kept an eye on the party goers above them on the terrace, but no one else seemed to wander down to the beach, and so for the moment, she let herself just enjoy the evening.

Kara brought him the dress just a day before the solstice. Seifer tucked the grey crepe silk dress away in his own wardrobe for the time being. He was debating taking her the silver and moonstone necklace he had found in the attics as well. It was the main symbol that a sorceress wore, but even if Castle Caledonia and its contents would be his soon enough, Seifer felt a little odd about just giving away something that had belonged to the previous owner. He would have to think about that one a little longer.

It was in the back of his mind as he helped Rinoa prepare for the celebrations tomorrow. It would be the first time that she had participated in a tradition Centran solstice celebration, and she was rather nervous about the whole thing. Especially since she had a large part in play in it. Seifer watched from the window seat in the drawing room of her suite as the Crown Princess paced the room looking more and more agitated with every passing moment.

"You know, this isn't exactly life and death, Princess," he drawled.

Rinoa glared at him, fiddling with her own sorceress' pendant. Hers was platinum and sapphire with the pattern of wings that was her own personal coat of arms engraved on the back of it. Deciding that it would be better to change the subject, Seifer blurted out the first thing that came to mind.

"Do you want any of the stuff up in the attics? I was poking around up there the other day and found some jewelry."

Rinoa's face fell. "No. It's Quistis'. I mean, it's pretty much yours now, and if you can find some use for any of it, do. But all of that would have belonged to Aunt Idalia, and it should have gone to Quistis when she came of age."

Seifer studied Rinoa's face. "You miss her. None of you talk about her, but you all miss her."

Rinoa shrugged. "She was Selphie and mine's older sister. Maybe not by blood, but still. It would be like if one of your foster brothers died."

"But we would still talk about whoever died. Half the time it's like she doesn't exist."

"If we talk about her, Seifer, we'll start thinking about it again. It's the wondering what happened that is the worst. The truth of the matter is we don't know what happened to Quistis. We just know that she's dead. And our imaginations can come up with terrifying possibilities." Rinoa shook her head. "If you can find a use for any of the things in the attic or find someone who will love them, go ahead and use them. Quistis wouldn't want them to be wasted, but neither Selphie nor I can stand to have them."

Seifer filed that information away and turned his attention to teasing Rinoa about Squall. That was a surefire way to put her in a better mood. By the time the two of them left to attend supper with the rest of the court, Rinoa was in a much better mood and she wasn't worrying about the celebrations the next day. Of course, she was worrying about Seifer might say to her father about the way she and Squall kept sneaking off, but Seifer had felt honor bound to give her a hard time about that. It was what brothers did.

What was frustrating was spending the next day waiting. Seifer knew that he wouldn't be able to get a hold of Quisty until the court started heading for the beach which was just before sunset. That wouldn't give them a lot of time, and it also meant that Seifer got to spend most of his day waiting. But he wasn't impatient enough to forget to double check that the Carrentes had gone down to the beach before he slipped into their assigned wing of quarters. His Cariad was easy enough to find; she was finishing tidying up her mistresses' rooms. Seifer slipped inside.

"Are you ready?"

Quistis nodded. "I should be good to go. What's that?"

He held out the bundle of clothes to her. "Proper attire. Go change and take your hair down. It's customary to wear unbound for tonight. And no shoes."

She shot him a brief glare but quickly disappeared into what assumed was the alcove that served as her quarters. But she returned moments later with an almost shy smile on her face. Seifer blinked. He'd never seen her up close with her hair down before. It fell just past her waist, and for some reason, it made her appear more vulnerable than normal. But one thing was certain, she looked entirely Centran. If anyone did notice her and pay attention, they would probably just assume that she was yet another Centran who had showed up for the celebration. Seifer smiled at her.

"One last thing, and then we're ready to go." He held out the silver and moonstone pendant. "The traditional symbol of a sorceress or a girl from a sorceress linage."

Cariad just stood there a moment blinking before reaching out and taking the necklace. Her hands trembled a little as she put it on, and she ran her thumb across the pendant, her eyes sad. At his look, she offered him a wistful little smile.

"My mother had one of these. She wore it almost every day, except for special occasions." She shook her head. "All right. Let's go."

Hand in hand, the two of them joined the crowds gathering on the beach. They didn't stand out much. Most of the court had adopted Centran styles for the event, though a number of Galbadian nobles had stuck with their normal attire. They weren't going to be that comfortable later on in the evening, but Seifer didn't really care. He lead Quisty towards the largest of the bonfires and to a spot on the ocean side. That way the pair of them were out of Rinoa and Matron's line of sight, but still close enough to hear everything clearly. He winked at Cariad as the sun finally began to set, and the celebration began.

Glass lanterns were passed around to those nearest the bonfire, and Seifer pressed one into Cariad's hands. The crowd around them quieted, and Seifer knew what was going on. On the other side of the pyre, Rinoa would be stepping forward with a lantern in her hands and beginning the ceremony.

Rinoa's voice rose in the traditional song, but Seifer frowned as her voice faltered. It was almost as if she had forgotten the words. Then the song rose up clear and strong from beside him. Rinoa's voice soon joined Quisty's, followed by Selphie's and then other's in the crowd. And when the song end and the bonfire sprung to life, Seifer turned to look at his Cariad who looked equal parts proud and terrified.


seiftis, final fantasy viii, the grey lady

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