
Aug 03, 2010 08:47

Title: Distractions
Rating: PG-13
Fandom: Bleach
Spoilers/Warnings: None
Pairing: Kisuke Urahara x Yoruichi Shihoin
Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach or its characters.
Theme: #13 - Resabsorption
Summery: Yoruichi interruptions an experiment.


It wasn't a terribly important experiement that Kisuke was conducting, but it was an interesting one. Besides, it wasn't often anymore that he had a chance to just play around with his science. Kisuke liked being the captain of the Twelfth Division, but it didn't really give him the time to play in the lab that he wanted. However, he had the next few hours free of any duties, and Kisuke was planning on enjoying himself.

He had just started charting the reabsorption rate of the chemicals when Yoruichi purred into his ear and rest her chin on his shoulder. She peered over his shoulder the experiement. "What are you working on?"

Kisuke bit back a sigh. Most of the time he didn't mind her company, but she had a knack for knowing when he was in the middle of something and interrupting. It would be usless to try and get rid of her though.

"It's just an experiment. Nothing of importance really."

"So you won't mind if I watch? It's not likely to blow up and kill us all?" She pressed a kiss to the back of his neck.

"You can watch."

And hopefully she would get bored before too long and go bother someone else. He might love the woman, but he could admit that there were times when he found her a little annoying. And he found it was highly distracting to have her pressed up against his back like she currently was. So he continued on with the experiement.

Her teeth grazed his ear, and Kisuke jumped. Yoruichi giggled at his reaction. Kisuke frowned. Then he jumped again when she nibbled on his ear. She was doing it on purpose. He should have known that she would remember it drove him a little crazy. He tried to ignored it for now.

Yoruichi pressed closer to him. Kisuke bit his lip and tried to concentrate on the readings from his intrusments. Yoruichi pressed a kiss to his pulse. He didn't know if he should complain or just turn around and kiss her. What the hell? Kisuke spun araound, pinning her against the wall. His mouth hovered over hers. "Stop teasing, Yoru-hime."

"And what to I get if I do."

In response, he kissed her. The experiment could wait.

bleach, kisuke x yoruichi

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