The Cat Came Back

Jul 06, 2010 10:24

Title: The Cat Came Back
Rating: PG
Fandom: Bleach
Spoilers/Warnings: None
Pairing: Kisuke Urahara x Yoruichi Shihoin
Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach or its characters.
Theme: #24 - Sentience
Summery: It's not a good idea to make rude comments about cats.  Especially in the Urahara Shoten.

The Cat Came Back

Kisuke had noticed that there were some serious drawbacks to Yoruichi's cat form now that they lived in the human world. Especially since she liked to wander. For one thing, little old ladies seemed to want to take her home. And since she refused to wear a collar, Kisuke really had no way claim ownership of her. Not that he would really attempt to, but it might make things easier.

There were also those idiots who claimed that they weren't cat people. They also often claimed that cats were dumb animals. Even an ordinary cat would have taken offense at that. Kisuke was well aware that ordinary cats were far more sentient than most humans realized, and Yoruichi was no ordinary cat. So he was not at all surprised when one of the idiots (who often frequented the shop) started raving about being stalked by a black cat.

His lady had a healthy sense of revenge, and Kisuke was familiar with this strategy. Of course, they didn't typically use it to torture fools, but he wasn't about to get in the middle of this. He wasn't about to stop this. He wasn't really sure that he could. Kisuke was wise enough not to interfere with Yoruichi's revenge. He wasn't about to do anything that would turn her on him. Besides, her revenge often had entertainment value. Well, for him at least.

Because the insane, rantings of a man stalked by a cat could truly be amusing.

"…and it's everywhere. Everywhere. I can go anywhere without seeing it. It follows me to work. Once it even got inside my office. It follows me home. It perches outside my bedroom window. And I live on the ninth floor. I've even seen it on the train. No matter where I go, the cat is there. It had to be an omen of some sort. It just keeps coming back. No matter what I do. Do you think I'm doomed? Oh god, it's here."

The man scrambled for the exit. Kisuke bit his lip to keep from laughing. Once the man was out of the shop, he let loose his laughter and scanned the room for his lady. Yoruichi was perched on one of the shelves with a very smug look on her face. He scooped her up in his arms and kissed her pink little nose.

"Well, Princess, are you satisfied?"

She purred in his arms. "Ask me tomorrow. I'm not quite done with him yet."

He just laughed. As long as she came back to him, Kisuke would be fine.

bleach, kisuke x yoruichi

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