On the Streets

Jun 15, 2010 09:45

Title: On the Streets
Rating: PG
Fandom: Bleach
Spoilers/Warnings: None
Pairing: Kisuke Urahara x Yoruichi Shihoin
Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach or its characters.
Theme: #16 - Anthropocentrism
Summery: Yoruichi and Kisuke have some interesting hobbies.

On the Streets

They did it several times a week, whenever they could manage it. They even had a designated spot. Their favorite bench was ideally located. It was across the street from a train station, and there was a park just kitty corner from it as well. This provided them with plenty of opportunities for people watching. You could learn a lot about people by watching them on a regular basis or even just watching them once. And it made for a great pastime when you had lots of free time on your hands.

Sunny afternoons found the two of them seated on their bench watching people pass by. Yoruichi was aware that they tended to look like just another happy couple out enjoying the day. She rest her head on his shoulder, and Kisuke shifted slightly, his arm coming up around her shoulders.

"So what have we got today?"

Kisuke grinned at her. "Well, our middle school trio of doom hasn't showed up yet, but Latte Lady has a date today. Oh, and I spotted a street preacher earlier. He might swing back this way if we're lucky."

She grinned. "Fun."

The hard part of people watching was keeping from laughing at times. Both she and Kisuke had the tendency to make sarcastic comments, especially when they found someone's actions ridiculous. Yoruichi knew that more than once the two of them had received odd looks due to their fits of hysterical laughter.

"What do you think about the guy with the orange beanie?" Kisuke's voice interrupted her thoughts.

She studied the long haired young man. He seemed to be heading for the street preacher who had reappeared and was setting up shop in front of the train station. Given his signs, he appeared to be one of those conservative types that believed humans were superior to everything else. Yoruichi took in the man with orange beanie's slightly grungy look and a recycle t-shirt.

"Environmentalist. And I think we're going to get a confrontation here."

"Mm. I agree."

"Do you think they ever try to figure us out?" she asked him.

He pressed a kiss to her temple. "They might try, but they wouldn't succeed. Besides, we have far more experience at it."

Moments later Orange Beanie Guy and Street Preaching were going at it hammer and tongs. The two of them traded smiles and settled back to watch the show. People watching really could be a great deal of fun.

bleach, kisuke x yoruichi

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