Meaning Enough

Apr 27, 2010 13:45

Title: Meaning Enough
Rating: PG
Fandom: Bleach
Spoilers/Warnings: None
Pairing: Kisuke Urahara x Yoruichi Shihoin
Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach or its characters.
Theme: #09 - Nihilism
Summery: Kisuke muses on the meaning of life and his daughter.

Meaning Enough

The sound of crying woke Kisuke, and he quietly slipped out of bed, hoping to get to the baby before she woke Yoruichi. Kisuke tried to take care of the late night awakenings when he could. Yoruichi made a soft noise.

"Go back to sleep. I'll get her."

The room they had turned into a nursery was just across the hallway from their bedroom. Kisuke quietly slipped across the hall and into the little nursery. His daughter blinked up at him and wrinkled her nose. Koneko had pale green eyes, dark hair, and wouldn't go back to sleep. She was something of a night owl, and it was always a challenge to get her back to sleep. He carefully lifted her out of the crib and cradled her against his chest. Kisuke hummed softly to her as he began to pace the floor. Movement was typically a good way to get Koneko back to sleep again.

He had done and seen much in his life, and Kisuke honestly hadn't really thought that fatherhood would change him much. He had been wrong about that. Nothing he had ever invented or discovered filled him with the wonder that his daughter did. The infant in his arms gave the world whole new meaning, and while Kisuke had never been a nihilist, there had been times when he wondered if there was anything meaning to the world. Not anymore though. His daughter had given him that. The world had meaning enough for him as long as she was in it.

Koneko, cuddled up against his chest, let out a soft sigh and shut her eyes. Within minutes she was asleep again. Once Kisuke was sure she wasn't going to wake up again, he kissed her forehead and set her back in the crib. Koneko shifted slightly, but she didn't wake. Kisuke just took there a moment, watching her and engraving the moment in his memory. Then he decided to seek his own bed and Yoruichi's arms. He needed to sleep too after all.

bleach, kisuke x yoruichi

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