Title: Breaking Tradition Genre: General Rating: G Characters: Tatsumi + Watari, Wakaba Comments: The best things in life are unexpected - because there were no expectations. - Eli Khamarov
Breaking Tradition: *flails madly with the love* I don't know what's better, the Tatsumi/Watari interaction or the idea of Watari and Wakaba having 'girls night in' together to watch movies and give each other facials. I can just SEE that, the way Watari tells it here. And I love, love, love the way Tatsumi reacted to Watari's weirdness, he was so beautifully Tatsumi. And Watari! You write a brilliant Watari. (I mean... facials! To Tatsumi! That shouldn't have worked and yet... I could believe it, that Watari WOULD do something like that, because god knows he's certainly not the type to do anything traditionally.)
"Well, come on, we need to get you out of those clothes if we’re going to get anything done tonight."
Heeheehee, beautiful misdirection. I knew something was afoot, I loved that Tatsumi knew something was afoot, that it wasn't what it sounded like, and yet you couldn't help but wonder... it was Watari after all and yet....
Keeping Count: ....love. Knowing no bounds. So perfectly Mitsuru. And so perfectly
( ... )
After reading that bit in the manga with the frizzies I had this whole mental picture of Watari and Wakaba having this...'us against them' mentality when it came to the 'guys' at work who just didn't get it, which sort of developed into 'girls night in', and gossiping at work and being all girly together. :D
Heeheehee, beautiful misdirection. I knew something was afoot, I loved that Tatsumi knew something was afoot, that it wasn't what it sounded like, and yet you couldn't help but wonder... it was Watari after all and yet....
Oh, that's so good to hear. I was worried that I was going too far one way or another with the ambiguity the whole time, but I'm glad to see it worked out like I was hoping. (Because really, those kinds of fics are always fun to read when they're done right and I wanted to do something like that with Tatsumi and Watari because it's fun to rattle Tatsumi's cage once in a while. >:D)
...love. Knowing no bounds. So perfectly Mitsuru. And so perfectly Shinobu, too
( ... )
Comments 2
"Well, come on, we need to get you out of those clothes if we’re going to get anything done tonight."
Heeheehee, beautiful misdirection. I knew something was afoot, I loved that Tatsumi knew something was afoot, that it wasn't what it sounded like, and yet you couldn't help but wonder... it was Watari after all and yet....
Keeping Count: ....love. Knowing no bounds. So perfectly Mitsuru. And so perfectly ( ... )
After reading that bit in the manga with the frizzies I had this whole mental picture of Watari and Wakaba having this...'us against them' mentality when it came to the 'guys' at work who just didn't get it, which sort of developed into 'girls night in', and gossiping at work and being all girly together. :D
Heeheehee, beautiful misdirection. I knew something was afoot, I loved that Tatsumi knew something was afoot, that it wasn't what it sounded like, and yet you couldn't help but wonder... it was Watari after all and yet....
Oh, that's so good to hear. I was worried that I was going too far one way or another with the ambiguity the whole time, but I'm glad to see it worked out like I was hoping. (Because really, those kinds of fics are always fun to read when they're done right and I wanted to do something like that with Tatsumi and Watari because it's fun to rattle Tatsumi's cage once in a while. >:D)
...love. Knowing no bounds. So perfectly Mitsuru. And so perfectly Shinobu, too ( ... )
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