
May 14, 2012 02:05

So, um. Avengers was awesome. Also, there was that that happened at that time with the thing. (I know, right?)

Really, though. spoilers. )

don't judge me!, movies, avengers, youtubery, my childhood!, ghostbusters, spoilers

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Comments 2

wintersjuly May 14 2012, 11:16:06 UTC
oh god, no, i totally laughed when i realised it was loki's staff influencing them because i didn't even have to put any effort into making jokes about it XDDD

adljl;ajkd;akda my entire theatre re: coulson was basically, "WHEDON DID NOT JUST WHEDON'D COULSON DID HE? OH FUCK YOU JOSS, YOU TOTALLY WHEDON'D HIM T_____T"


kitsune_tsuki May 15 2012, 16:52:04 UTC
ALL the horrible jokes, indeed. Oh, movie. *pats fondly*

Surprisingly, it wasn't Whedon's idea this time. (Although, really, I'm pretty sure he was thinking it really hard before Feige was all, "Hey, you know what we should do to make the fans cry a lot? Let's kill off Coulson. That would be awesome." :DDDDDDDDDDDD)


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