Title: Nightingale
Genre: General
Rating: G
Characters: Shinobu, Mitsuru
Dislcaimer: Very much not mine.
Summary: Shinobu is the worst nurse ever.
Notes: For
livrin who requested Shinobu/Mitsuru with the prompt 'no seatbelt'. Also? Super late happy birthday
livrin! ♥
Edited to fix formatting.
Nightingale )
Comments 2
This is just so wickedly funny and amusing I was grinning widely throughout reading it. I kept thinking 'Whoa, Shinobu, isn't enough is enough? Spare the poor guy, man! :D There's no rest for the wicked, huh? ^^;
And I love the way you used the prompt. That was geniusly evil of you to get Shinobu to say that, hee~ There's so much of my fave catchy lines in here, but one of them is definitely the'emotionally troubled' and 'distraught roomate' part. Worst nurse ever, indeed.
Thank you for the fic, I really enjoy reading it. And thank you for the birthday greeting. ♥
I'm glad you liked the way I used the prompt, I thought it was hilarious, but then I always think I'm funnier than I actually am. ;D
I'm really thrilled that you liked this so much and you deserve lots of love and happiness on your birthday (even if I'm late telling you so. :D)
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