[Hawaii Five-0] With Bells On

Nov 12, 2011 07:19

Title: With Bells On
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~ 1,200
Disclaimer: In no way, shape, or form do these characters belong to me.
Summary: Revenge is, perhaps, a petty kind of thing to want, but really? Danny's beyond caring at this point in time.
Notes: Takes place in this 'verse and inspired by sites like this one.

Revenge is, perhaps, a petty kind of thing to want, but really? Danny's beyond caring at this point in time. This has been a long time in coming, and he plans to savor every moment. The best part, though, has to be that the holiday season comes with dangers and untold horrors of its own, usually in the guise of tradition. He plans to use it to his advantage.

"I don't know," Kono says, looking over Danny's shoulder. "It doesn't seem right somehow."

Danny looks up at her and wonders for a moment if it was a mistake bringing her in on this. Sure, she makes for an excellent accomplice/minion, but he knew going in there might be a major conflict of interest for her. "Rookie, if you want out - "

"What?" Kono looks at him like he's lost his mind. "No, I'm in, Danny, believe me I am so in on this. I was talking about that," she says, pointing at the computer screen. "That's not." She makes a frustrated noise and makes a circling motion with her hand as she tries to think of the right words to express whatever she's thinking. "It's not enough," she finally settles on with a aggravated huff. "We need something. Bigger. Better."

If he wasn't positive she'd break his knees, Danny could kiss her for that. "Oh, thank God," Danny says. "You had me worried for a second there."

Kono gives him a sideways smile and leans in to type something into the search bar. "There has to be something out there," she says, an expression of intense concentration on her face.

Danny sits back to give her room to work, not to be disappointed a few moments later when she hits the jackpot.

"Oh, God," she says, a look of horror on her face. "What is that?" Strangely, while her expression says it's something terrible, the likes of which no sane being could possibly comprehend, the tone of her voice conveys a disturbing sense of. Well. Delight.

"What?" Danny asks, turning back to his computer screen, and immediately wishes he hadn't. "Sweet Jesus," he murmurs. "What sick bastard came up with that?"

There's a moment of silence, whether out of sheer horror or awe, Danny isn't sure, and then, "I like it," Kono says using the tone of voice the team has learned has learned not to ignore on pain of death. "Let's do it."

Staring at the image on his computer screen, Danny feels nothing but pride for his protege.


Between one thing and another, it takes several weeks until their plan can take effect, and by then any concerns or misgivings Danny might have felt have long vanished.

"My car," he explains, when Rachel finds out. "Rachel, my car." It's but one of many, many reasons as to why he's doing this, but there's no doubt in his mind it's absolutely necessary.

The look he gets for that is flatly unimpressed, but seeing as how Rachel's car is sitting whole and unexploded in the driveway, Danny doesn't see why her disapproval on this should matter to him.

"Daniel," she says. "You're not setting a very good example for Grace."

Danny rolls his eyes. "Please," he says. "She's the one who gave me the web site address." Grace's favorite stuffed animal had been in the car when Steve happened to it, and while she likes Steve, even Grace has her limits.

The corner of Rachel's mouth twitches like she's trying very hard not to smile, but Danny's known her too long to be fooled. "Our daughter is an evil mastermind in training," he says, not bothering to hide his smile because it's true, and he can't wait to see what she'll do one day. "Don't stifle her."

This time Rachel does smile. "I wouldn't dare dream of it."


"Oh my God. What. Oh my God."

It isn't often something manages to take Steve by surprise, or, really, it's not often something manages to take him by surprise and reduce him to mindless horror.

"Kill it," Chin offers, staring at the thing staring back at Steve from its box. "Kill it with fire."

Steve backs away, as if worried any sudden movements may startle the thing into attacking. "I don't think that would be enough," he admits. "I don't even. What is it?"

Danny leans forward, coffee in one hand. "Do you like it?" he asks, wondering if this is how his elderly relations felt when gifting him with the same sort of unspeakable horrors in the past. "I made it myself." Danny's worried he may well have sprinted over the line between good and evil as opposed to taking a tentative step over it in his desire for revenge, but fuck it. He's more than earned this.

Steve tears his eyes away from the thing and looks at Danny, an expression of utter betrayal on his face. "Why?"

Danny ignores him and turns to Chin. Kono's next to him, a box similar to the one Danny gave Steve in her hands. "You should open yours too," Danny prompts. "Kono worked really hard on it."

Chin's eyes narrow in a way that promises future retribution because he's smart. Smarter than Steve, at any rate, and gingerly takes the box Kono holds out to him. "Thanks," he says with a weak smile as he carefully unwraps it and removes the lid. He goes still for a long moment, not so much as a flicker of emotion giving away what he feels when he lays eyes on the monstrosity within. "Wow," Chin says. "Thank-you. You shouldn't have.”

They can all hear everything Chin isn't saying, from, No, really. You shouldn't have, to, Oh, God, why?, but as with Steve's mounting terror and sense of general hopelessness, ignore it.

Kono smiles, a thing full of rainbows and unicorns and sparkles that fools absolutely no one in the room. "You're welcome!"

Watching Steve and Chin trying to come to terms with their...presents, Danny glances over at Kono who seems to be enjoying their teammates unease and distress as much as he is. True, this is nothing compared to what Steve and Chin put them through on a regular basis, but it's a start, and the holiday season is the perfect opportunity to exact revenge, in all its many forms.

"We would have had the mittens finished too," Kono says, helping to prove just that point. "But there was that whole thing with the drug cartel." She shrugs and makes tiny jabbing motions that draws a grimace from Steve and an actual wince from Chin, who finally got a chance to see just how effective a crochet hook can be as a weapon in the right hands. "You know how it is." She frowns a little, then brightens. "Oh, well, it'll be something the two of you can look forward to, right?"

Steve and Chin stare first at Kono, then Danny. Warily, as though they've just realized it was a mistake to underestimate their ability to hold grudges for things like exploding cars and scaring the shit out of their teammates with their stupidity and stubbornness and everything else they do.

"Yeah," Danny says, sharing a look with Kono as he settles back into his seat. He has the feeling of a job well done or, more accurately, long overdue revenge very much achieved. "That's definitely going to be something to look forward to."

Posted at http://kitsune-tsuki.dreamwidth.org/382391.html. | You can reply here or there. |

don't judge me!, hawaii five-0 fic, bamfs who craft, hawaii five-0, wtf, fic

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