(no subject)

Mar 27, 2011 17:50

I wasn't having the most awesome of days, but then were kitties. And Steves. And Dannys. *hands*

Once upon a time Steve was scrounging for parts for the Marquis in a salvage yard, or maybe tracking some elusive criminal, who can tell with him? But then! Then he hears a teeny, tiny "Mew."

Naturally, Steve must get to the bottom of this whole "Mew." business! (Which is clearly very, very serious business indeed as evidenced by the expression on his face.)

After several minutes of searching, Steve finally stumbles on what looks to be a small nest and its lone occupant which appears to have been the source of the teeny, tiny "Mew."

All signs of the mother are at least several days old (...Steve just knows these things) and realizing the kitten is far too young to survive on its own for long, Steve is given no choice but to take it home with him. (When the salvage yard owner suggests Steve take the kitten to an animal shelter Steve...doesn't quite understand.)

Once home, Steve realizes that he doesn't actually know the first thing about taking care of teeny, tiny kittens. Or, like. Any other size of cat. At all. He calls the only person he knows that may have some kind of inkling as to how to proceed. Also, just in case he needs backup. The kitten has shifty eyes. (...What? It does. Even if they aren't open yet. Totally shifty.)

...And then Steve calls Danny again, once he is on his way to remind him to pick up kitten-food and other kitten accessories, even though Danny is already on it, okay? So, so on it. >:((((((

Having arrive at Steve's, Danny unloads the various kitten supplies and informs Steve, that he is, in fact, kind of a moron. ...And then tells Steve that the kitten is too young for "kitten-food", what is that even?

And then there is a montage scene in which Steve and Danny alternate taking care of the teeny, tiny kitten until it is old enough for actual food. [Pictures not avaible.]

Steve is still sometimes bewildered at the fact that he has a teeny, tiny kitten.

No, seriously. How the hell did this happen?

He voices the possibility of one day training the kitty to be of use to them at work. (He thinks of several scenarios, most of which involve car chases because that's just how Steve rolls.)

Danny, who has become something like the kitty's second daddy (oh, God, why him?), tells Steve that maybe they should hold off on that until the kitty can walk without falling over. That might be a good idea, huh?

Eventually, Steve is forced to abandon his plans of having a kitty police officer when his kitty mostly lounges around his house treating him as the most inept servant in the history of ever.



Still, Steve can't help but dream of what might have been, if only.

.:The End:.

Kitty pictures were taken from I Can Has Cheezburger? and Google. Hawaii Five-0 pictures were taken from various picspams (...I honestly can't remember which ones), but if you see one of your pictures in this post and want it removed, please let me know. :)

Posted at http://kitsune-tsuki.dreamwidth.org/349810.html. | You can reply here or there. |

picspam, don't judge me!, wtf?, hawaii five-0, picfic

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