(no subject)

Jul 08, 2008 19:28

I just re-read Smoke and Shadows by Tanya Huff (it's a follow-up series to her Blood books and is just really awesome!) and am working my way through the other books in the series, and ahahaha. /o\

I've actually been trying to think of how it would work for a while now? And then realized it would be super hilarious awesome if Brian discovers he has the ~potential to become a wizard like Tony! Like somehow they meet when weird things are happening and he sees Tony do some magical things! He's all, "I don't know what you did, but thank you for not letting that giant lizard-thing eat my band." because seriously, there's no such thing as magic, right?

And then somehow they keep meeting and Tony is "YOU, TOO, COULD BE A WIZARD BRIAN SCHECHTER!"

Brian gives him this pissy look. "Christ, don't you think I have enough shit to deal with as it is?" He points at Frank trying to get Bob to give him a piggyback ride while Gerard touches up Ray and Mikey's make-up for the show that night.

Tony makes a thinky face. "Okay. Point."

A few days later a packjage is waiting for Brian at whatever venue the band's playing at. When he opens it it's the magic correspondance school laptop Tony has/or a copy of the program-thing. There's a note from Tony telling Brian that he totally understands Brian's reluctance, but tough shit, he's going to have to learn anyway. Brian's kind of pissed, but then something tries to eat Frank/one of the others and Brian's just "Goddamn it!"

After they deal with whatever it was, Brian learns how to be all wizardy!


Brian tries to keep it a secret from the others. He's seen Buffy, okay? The last thing he needs is his own Scooby gang, or for stupid Frank to lose an eye or something. (Although Frank probably will lose an eye at some point with the way he keeps pissing Bob off.) But then they find out and are all, "Brian we can help! You don't need to do this on your own!" *EARNESTFACE*

(Brian finds out from Tony that, yes, vampires are real. He just sighs and tells Tony to never, ever let Gerard or the others know. When Tony asks why, Brian just gives him this look and Tony is all, "Oh, right. Right. My bad.")

And then shenanigans! I don't know, I just think it would be hilarious to see Brian being all wizardy with Gerard being all earnest at him, "I can help! Let me help!" and Brian being, "NO. The last time you almost got eaten, and I need you to not die or I will lose my job, and that would suck." >:(

I don't even know, okay? I just really, really love these books.

don't judge me!, bandom, plotty things, mcr, book!love

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