(no subject)

Jun 03, 2008 08:23

Ahaha. Growing up I read a lot of books about people who lived in the ~wilderness and braved the elements to live off the land and were Very Manly. Often, these Manly Men had a loyal pack dog for a companion, and a hatchet tucked into his belt, and it was all very rugged.

(Wait, this is all totally setting up the explanation for a dream I had last night.)

You now how Bob and various bandom dudes have been spotted wearing flannel? Yes.

So last night I had a dream in which Bob was one of these rugged, Manly Men. And apparently Frank and Ray ran the general store in the tiny mountain town he went to for supplies, and uh. There were these two wolves? Like one was a little skinny, and there was this whole thing where Bob was asking Frank and Ray if the wolf packs ever came that far south (cue nervous laughter and Ray being all, "AHAHAHAHA. NO. WHY WOULD THEY? THAT'S WEIRD. RIGHT, FRANK?")

And then some sort of fuzzy dream shenanigans and I guess werewolves and bear traps? I don't know. I woke up about the time Bob the rugged Manly Man with snowshoes, a hatchet, and weird little Frank went off in search of the two wolves who had this hunter dude after them thinking they were the ones after his sheep or something.

I DON'T KNOW OKAY. That was pretty much the plot to every Manly Rugged Mountain Man With A Pack Dog Companion book I read.

(I have no idea where Brian or anyone else was in this dream, but I think I kind of love Brian as a park ranger. Frank could make all these stupid Smokey the Bear jokes whenever he sees him, and Brian kind of wants to kill him a little.)

dreams, don't judge me!, bandom, mcr

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