Nov 11, 2006 11:30
So you know what I would love? Like a whole lot? An SGA/SPN crossover where it turns out John's from a long line of Hunters. Or...something. And that he's the black sheep of his family because he gave up Hunting to join the Air Force becase he was sick of it (oh, irony) and he thought maybe he could do something to help people by fighting for his country. And then there was the mess with Afghanistan and the Black Mark and Antarctica and Atlantis and he never, ever tells anyone. But it's why he has all these skills most pilots don't have.
And then Rodney. Oh, Rodney. He like ran into something Unexplainable on Earth maybe after Siberia but before Antarctica and maybe met this Winchester guy carting around his boys and killing things Rodney used to think didn't exist. And then he goes to Atlantis and they run into the Entity and Rodney's forced to admit that hey, weirder things, right? So maybe it could be a ghost and Elizabeth totally shouldn't mock him about it because those things are real, and oh, my god, where is that Winchester guy and his smartass kids when you need them?
And John's like "Oh, my god, how could I have forgotten my Hunting stuff? I'm an idiot!" But thank god, not an actual ghost. Just an alien energy sucking cloud. THANK GOD.
Then...stuff happens, and John and Rodney eventually realize that hey, that guy knows about this stuff too. But they never actually talk about it and they never really do anything - until they get to some godforsaken world where Teyla tells them about the locals and their reverence and fear and Traditions all tied up with their dearly departed ancestors and John and Rodney are like "Oh, my god, are they idiots?" because there are all these spirits and unexplained disappearances Plotty things?
God. I realize there are massive logic holes and just total bizarreness in even contemplating something like this but I Just. Don't. Care.
(I also want to see an SGA/SPN AU where Rodney gets hurt and has to go back to Earth and maybe meets Dean and Sam and maybe gets an up close and personal crash course in ghosts and monsters and winds up as some kind of supernatural expert that the boys look up when they need help and Rodney's an ass, but they kind of get a kick out him - Dean especially - and Rodney maybe likes them a little and he has this day job, right? At a universty somewhere and he maybe consults for the SGC once in a while and one day John comes to Earth all angry that Rodney gave up so easily, that he's not trying to get better, because then he could go back to Atlantis or maybe just keep in touch, and um...zombies maybe? And he's all "Rodney, what the hell?" and Rodney's all "Duck" and there's shooting and Rodney calling John an insufferable idiot and John calling Rodney a selfish bastard and Dean and Sam laughing and laughing and laughing at them. And more shooting and John's like "Demon hunters, huh?" and Dean's like "Yeah" and omg, yay. :D)
don't judge me!,
plotty things