Title: Evolution
Pairing: None
Rating G
Spoilers: Slight ones for 'Rising' and 'Before I Sleep'
Summary: She records a message, hoping that her own faith, battered and worn as it is, is not misplaced.
Melia was the Ancient hologram from 'Rising' and one of the council members in 'Before I Sleep'.
She has grown old and frail, but her mind is as sharp as it ever was, burdened by duty and policy and bureaucracy until she was sick of it. She was never pleased with it, the need to bend to the greater good until the individual suffered, but she did her duty and her people prospered. She knows, because she knows him, that laws were broken, and inside she smiles and laughs with delight because she knows herself as well.
She records a message in secret, warning of their foolishness, of their arrogance and the dangers they have unleashed on an unsuspecting galaxy. She records a message because she knows him, and because she sees something in the woman he tries so desperately to help, something like hope and faith and unshakable belief. She records a message, hoping that her own faith, battered and worn as it is, is not misplaced.
She calls this planet, third from the sun, home, although it does not feel like it. She does not know the waters here, the currents beneath the waves. She does not know the stars here, does not know their stories. She does not know the people here, does not know their ways and customs and does not know how she will ever truly call this place home.
She watches the people of this world learning the languages and culture and ways of systems of government until her mind swims with it. She watches as her people adjust, proud of them even as they dwindle in number over time, lost to disease and war and foolishness that will never truly leave them. She watches as her people trickle away in ones and twos until the memory of their great cities and great deeds fade with time and distance.
Over time she learns other things like a sense of safety and security she has never known in a shining city of glass. She learns of things like affection and a love so deep that she feels as though her heart might burst. She learns that her people were not so great as they once thought themselves to be if they could not bear to face the consequences of their failures, their crimes. She learns things like humility and grace, and something like forgiveness.
Here on a planet far from home, she tells her family tales of a great and shining city that sank beneath the waves, granting the stars she does not know the stories of a once great people. Here she tells her family of a winged horse that bore a champion through so many battles, so many victories, until his own pride and arrogance destroyed him. Here she tells her family of her people, her home, and thinks of a message left in the hopes that one day it will be found. That one day their descendants will find a sunken city and finish the war they began.