キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!! N#2 this week:
So yeah, it's not as impressive as the US Blu-Ray collector's edition, BUT on the other hand I did not shell out 700$ for it. More like a tenth of that price, 64€ (Amazon doesn't charge me for S&H) I'm sure I could have found it around 55€ at Japan Expo next year, buuuut this is a limited release, better not take any chances with that. Unlike Chevalier d'Eon, I really really wanted to own/watch Garden of Sinners. But I was not willing to pay 30€ per movie.
More pics:
Since it's part of Kazés "limited to 1000 pieces" collection, it comes with a rather nice box. Remember the
Vampire Knight/Guilty limited box? It came with a useless arm band, didn't even included the second OST nor a decent booklet BUT damn was that box awesome. I was THIS close to buy it, just for the box.
GoS hard-cardboard box includes no booklet either, just all 7 movies in their standard edition (aka with OST), not even the bonus OVA. But instead of spending 210€, I only spent 64€. Five movies for free, and a box as a bonus. I'm not going to feel sorry for any French fan who bought the movies separately, because you should know better by now, Kazé ALWAYS releases complete editions, sooner or later. Just be patient. I'm not doing that mistake anymore, my money is better spent elswhere for moar animango and merchandise
Now let's get started, can't wait to finally see the movies!! I don't have a Shiki figure, but I suppose a cat and strawberry ice cream is fine too?