Short Text Messaging System [one-shot!]

Jul 03, 2011 16:24

 Title : Short Text Messaging System.
Genre : General BFF-ery
Rating : Gen
Pairing : N/A
Disclaimer : I only wish I owned these five idiots. D:
Summary : Aiba is bored in the hospital. His cell phone was the only thing at his disposal.
Notes: Really random idea. xD


"I'm sorry you guys! I'm really sorry for messing up our schedule and filming times, and our rehearsals. Sorry sorry sorry sorry. (ToT)”

"Don't be silly Masaki. Are you feeling better? What did the doctor say? Remember to tell them immediately if you feel any discomfort okay?"

"You're being noisy. Shush, I'm beating Zelda's boss. See you later.


"One more 'sorry' out of you, and I'm putting on my biggest rings and going over to your room to give your head a good knock. Oh by the way, I hope you like fish, because it’s good for your health and I'm cooking fish porridge for you later. "

"Did Riida catch the fish? ( ・ω・)"

"Its fine, Aiba-chan. I'm just happy that you told us this time instead of keeping it all to yourself and fainting again. Do you need anything there?"

Bad question, Ohno Satoshi. Immediately, Aiba sent out another series of text messages.

"It’s so quiet here! And so white. And pristine. And boringggg. Do you think I'd get scolded if I tie-dyed my blankets? How can anyone get better if they're surrounded by such sad surroundings



Watch the television! Haven't you been complaining that you haven't been able to catch up on your shows lately? "

"How about neon-colored walls? And if you text me one more time, I will cut your head when I get there. You almost made me get major damage hit from the boss! (* ̄m ̄) "

"It’s supposed to be white so that its easier for them to see any dirt or germs, baka. And no, they won't appreciate tie-dye blankets either."

"You do have a point neee, it’s so... bland there. Do you want me to bring a picture or something for you later?"

"Yes please! The portrait you did of all of us, can I loan that for a week? (*^▽^*) "

Of course, one can never expect Aiba Masaki to stay silent for long. Not when he was stuck in a personal room all alone with nothing but nurses and doctors for company.

"The food here is horrible. Jun-channnn, I miss your porridge yesterday.
can i have more today? "

"I'm sorry, Aiba-chan. I have a concert meeting today, and a meeting for a new show I'm doing. I don't think I can drop by today."

"I can cook for you Aiba-chan!

"it’s okay Sho-chan! I have food already."

"Oh crap! I accidentally forwarded your message to Sho. m(_ _)m Sorry!"

"I can't believe Jun-kun forwarded this message to me. ( ゚ Д゚) Isn't Sho visiting you today instead?"

"You can't possibly expect me to eat Sho-chan's food, Nino-chan?! DDD: Can you make ramen for me? ^__^"

"I'll drop by later with Nino's ramen for you! He says he has to go to a photoshoot.

"God guys, I'm so impossibly bored here.

"Didn't I pass you some magazines yesterday? Go watch the television! But remember to eat your medication! Don't be a baby with it; the nurses aren't going to be happy. (ーー;)"

"You're not getting my DS! Not until I get my own 3DS. Go read or something."

"But Nino-chan! (T▽T) 

"... Fine. (* ̄m ̄) I'll bring it when I come over later. But don't tell anyone!"

“Go through the concert choreography in your head.”

“You’re so boring Jun-tan. D:”

“Did you hear about the last time I caught this really huge fish? I swear it almost dragged me in to the sea! It took me forever to reel it in, and it tasted delicious when our captain sliced it and marinated it immediately. Do you want to go fishing with me next time, Aiba-chan

“But then I’ll get dark and stylist-san won’t be happy with both of us

Nino swears that he’s going to ask Aiba to pay half of his phone bill that month. Sho has suddenly gotten a lot faster at texting. Ohno picked up his cell phone more times the whole week then he does the whole month, and Jun is pretty sure he needs to either change his keypad or work overtime to pay for his phone bill. Aiba just thinks whoever invented cell phones made life-savers for bed-bound patients.

arashi : ninomiya kazunari, my one true love : arashi, arashi : sakurai sho, fanfic : one-shot, arashi : aiba masaki, arashi : matsumoto jun, fanfic, arashi, fanfic : drabble, arashi : ohno satoshi

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