Supergirl/MCU fic: A Mirthless Stable

Dec 15, 2023 08:05

Title:  A Mirthless Stable
Fandom:  Supergirl and the MCU
Rating:  PG 13
Summary:  830 word Supergirl/Black Widow fic--part of the National City's Best Cops universe-- for the Advent calendar at 1_million_words This is an extremely goofy but well meant holiday story-ENJOY!

Kara Danvers and Natasha Romanoff were National City’s top cops, the duo who protected their city from all types of evil doers, especially criminals perpetrating Christmastime badness.

This year was definitely shaping up to be an interesting one because for the first time in their years of policing, Kara and Nat had to break up a shoving match at a holly tree farm over poinsettias.

Apparently there were only a few plants that had leaves with a particular red, white and green swirl on them and shoppers were unafraid to start a brawl over who got to purchase them.

Kara and Nat exchanged worried glances, both realizing at the same time that the holiday mayhem was just going to get worse.

“The baby Jesus was stolen again?!”

Chief Prince shook her head in resignation.  “This has been the fifth baby Jesus stolen out of a Nativity scene this week.  That has to be new record.”

Truthfully, it wasn’t just the baby Jesus statue that was consistently going missing out of displays but also the equally adorable little lamb statues and on one memorable occasion, one of the Wiseman.

Kara nodded, barely controlling her anger. “Thankfully churches have added GPS monitoring to all their statues, so that seems to be deterring the thefts, but it still irks me that it keeps happening.”

It was a well known fact that Kara loved manger scenes-she was the first to mention  her all time favorite Nativity scene having the Holy Family, the Grinch and Santa Claus all hanging out together-and she didn’t discriminate against the more creative settings.

Yes, Kara enjoyed the traditional backdrop of Joseph, Mary, and the shepherds kneeling before the crib, with the lambs, sheep, oxen and donkeys surrounding them, and she always appreciated it when people placed the Wisemen and an angel in their scenes as well.

She was also okay with alternative versions of “the true reason for the season”, as long as they were respectful-the pro-LGBTQ setting with two rainbow painted Josephs made her smile-but a line at the more questionable crèches had to be drawn.

The Holy family depicted as penguins, elephants or wolves?  Sure it was strange to depict holy people as animals but it was also kind of cute.  The family portrayed as yellow rubber duckies, unicorns or trees?  Definitely odd but still rather playful.  Mary and Joseph as vampires, zombies or Godzilla?  Not only massively messed up but crossing the line into indecent and blasphemous.

And while Kara would have liked to pull the homeowners aside and point out how weirdly abnormal their religious scenes were, she knew she couldn’t do that;  her fellow citizens’ had their right to freedom of expression.

But that didn’t mean freedom from consequences because that very night came the first 911 call reporting a vandalized unconventional Nativity scene.

By the time the third outraged call-this destroyed manger setting had gnomes, trolls and elves in it--Chief Prince organized a special task force, solely designed to stop the Christmas display vandalizer.

Kara and Nat collaborated on creating one of the strangest Nativity scenes they could think of:  the Holy family, sitting on an oversized mushroom, were shown as minimalist dough blobs with little to nothing in defined features.

The scene was blandly disturbing and not in the least respectful and that made it perfect for setting their trap.

Nat made sure to post pictures of the blob crèche in all of National City’s newspapers, church blogs and especially the city council’s social media accounts.

She also made sure to post about how beautiful the lumps of clay were in their stark portrayal of Jesus’ early life in Bethlehem.

The detectives grinned at each other, hoping their ridiculous exhibit would drive the bad guy insane and he/she would strike before the stakeout got too dull.

Fortunately for the cops, it didn’t take long for the culprit to strike but unfortunately for Kara, she recognized who the criminal was.

Kara gasped in shock when the lawbreaker’s ski mask was removed.  “Lucy, how could you?”

Lucy Lane, angrily tossed her hair out of her face before she spat out her reply.  “How could I?  Those sacrilegious urchins are lucky I only took a baseball bat to their hideous displays.”

She glared hatefully at the crime-stoppers.  “You call yourself National City’s protectors but you allow this kind of irreverence to grace our streets?  Faceless clumps of mud are supposed to represent our blessed Lord  and his dear parents?  Anyone who supports this kind of impiety should be excommunicated and burned at the stake for the heretics they are!”

Nat and Kara exchanged horrified glances, the madwoman’s rant finally being stopped by the arresting cops using their tazers on her.

Kara sorrowfully shook her head.  “How am I going to explain to my cousin Clark that his sister in law’s an unrepentant zealot and Nativity scene smasher?”

“She does NOT know the true meaning of Christmas,” Nat vehemently agreed.

Please enjoy the companion pieces to this series:  Code 4, Dutch Wonderland, Industrial Hooligans and The Cracked Sugarhouse

marvel cinematic universe, catholicism aka popery, fic: a mirthless stable, supergirl, christmas, short story, buddy cop duo

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