So, I'm borrowing this from the fabulous
kaige68! At the beginning of 2014 a 'rambling meme' was doing the rounds and I'm resurecting it for February in hopes some prompts etc might help me write. Any story ideas will be drabble length but I might be able to strive for a 1000 words :) Give me a question or topic-- absolutely anything fannish goes: TV, movies, books, fandom, ships, fictional characters, actors, writing, arting, whatever strikes your fancy!
Pick a date below and give me a topic to talk about. It can be anything from fandom related (characters, actors, storylines, shows, ships) to real life stuff like pizza preferences or a day in the life of the Kaige68.
Feb 1st Chlex -- How many lifetimes does it take to live in the present day? for
phillydragonldyFeb 2nd If you were going to recast Pride and Prejudice with Smallville characters, who would play who? for
phillydragonldyFeb 3rd Dark Chlex. How would it occur?? Would Lex seduce Chloe?? Would Chloe be easily swayed?? Or would it be her own curiosity that would lead her to that path. for
purple_moon123Feb 4th
Feb 5th
Feb 6th
Feb 7th
Feb 8th
Feb 9th
Feb 10th
Feb11th Fic or rant (or with Danny both) on the overuse of sauce, or what sauce cannot be over used. for
Feb 12th As you are a theater-goer, take the last 3-5 musicals you've seen live and cast the main characters in each with characters from the shows of your choosing. for
apeygirlFeb 13th Since I know you like the Sherlock's. Have you seen Frankestein which Cumberbatch and Miller. If so which did you like best and which role? If not who do think would do better in each role?? for
purple_moon123Feb 14th
Feb 15th
Feb 16th I know you like musicals. So using only songs from musicals, pick a theme song for Clark, lex, lana, Chloe, and Shelby. for
phillydragonldyFeb 17th
Feb 18th
Feb 19th
Feb 20th Who's better at card/board games, or does Steve excel at Battleships and Danny at Scrabble? Do arguments ensue over which is the better game/skill involved? for
haldoor_honeyFeb 21st
Feb 22nd
Feb 23rd I liked the recast that Philly gave you so recast Once Upon a Time or Captain America. for
purple_moon123Feb 24th
Feb 25th
Feb 26th
Feb 27th
Feb 28th How would you have ended SV? for the