Hmmm. Well. I dunno. I've been thinking about this, and I've decided that the reason I'm not as christmassy this year is because of the fact that I didn't make a list of what I wanted from "santa", so I'm not expecting much.
Well, a phone I'm expecting, yes. But for some reason I'm just not all christmassy!!!
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Comments 3
NO! Ryan is not living with us. Only girls are allowed!
I haven't been Christmassy at all either. Parents getting everything off his got an EFFING 300 CELLPHONE! Amber,,,? Pjs and hoodies. Whoot. We've done none of our Christmas traditions except for the monkey bread! I haven't even watched the Grinch but I did watch Nightmare Before Christmas...
Bah humbug. But I got almost 200 in cash (20 of that a gist card) so me thinks I'll return what I bought at Lulu and get me a TV or a new ds or something nice for me!
Who was the cellphone from? Your dad? That would surprise me.
I thought you could use a computer monitor for a tv... hmm....
Yes the cellphone was from dad! You should've seen what mom got dad too! EVERYTHING off his list.
So uh...spilt butter on the Lulu and tore off the tags so I guess I'm keeping it....^^;;;
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