I've noticed something about the movies I watch: the Good Guys have guns. Seriously, they do. The same Hollywood numbskulls who want to ban guns are always using them in their movies. Usually, the Good Guy states he doesn't like guns, but he always winds up holding a gun. They're a necessary tool for the Good Guys. But it seems that the Good Guy
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Comments 2
I think a good hero is reluctant to use violence and let's face it guns are symbols of violence but sometimes, just sometime there is no other way. Sometimes you have to protect the innocent.
Also I would like to point out that sometimes defending yourself is not the best path. There were many African Americans who felt violence against White people was the best way to get the respect the deserved. However, it was not these people changed race in this country but those who proclaimed the truth and did not try to violently defend themselves.
Christ is my hero and He conquered without murdering or killing. Rome fell to its knees before Christianity without the threat of violence. I think for a Christian, violence is for protecting others.
To address another point: Jesus didn't use violence on Earth...much. There was that whole whipping the money-changers out of the temple thing. And you forget that Jesus wasn't trying to bring down the Romans. He USED the Romans after his ascension to destroy Jerusalem. Jesus also had companions who were armed. He said "if you do not have a sword, sell your coat and buy one," right? I mean, that's not an exact quote, but that's the idea.
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