
Feb 20, 2013 15:11

Kidlet's school went on lock down bc of a "suspicious pacakge" in the soccer field. You have to understand we live in Colorado, not far at all from Columbine, so this shit happens at least 5-6 times a year. They go on lock downs for paper bags, which hey- ROCK ON. KEEP MY KID SAFE, YO! So Maze had to wait across the street while the bomb squad and ( Read more... )

kita in 3d, q for the fl

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Comments 8

ladycat777 February 20 2013, 22:18:24 UTC
Holy shit they actually found guns?

God dammit I hate people sometimes. I'm glad kidlet is home and safe.


trepkos February 21 2013, 00:02:07 UTC
Maybe the lock-down is to stop the people evacuating from accidentally setting it off? By the vibrations?


stoney321 February 21 2013, 00:46:49 UTC
I bet they didn't evacuate kids in a panic because that would cause a lot of mayhem. (I bet they knew it wasn't a bomb right away, and they went from DEFCON 1 to a 3.)

They may have wanted no attention whatsoever to draw out whoever left the guns there. I'm telling you, bombs get taken care of FAST, so they knew right away there weren't any.

Fucking hell. Someone called that in, someone that probably was in over their head. :(


kita0610 February 21 2013, 00:49:06 UTC
That makes sense, yeah.

Apparently the guns were found during a "routine sweep of the grounds by maintenance". I... didn't know there were routine sweeps of the grounds?? But yay team maintenance?

So now they are saying they found four guns, three shot guns and two rifles, and they think both were stolen during a robbery near the school yesterday.

They also apparently kept the athletes - ALL OF THEM- after school even after every one else was dismissed bc the stuff was found in the athletic shed.



stoney321 February 21 2013, 01:53:13 UTC
It sounds like level heads are running things, for once, which is good. No news vans, no hysteria... Everything calm and reasonable, it seems.

DEEP BREATH. [not that i'm the boss of you.] ;D


kita0610 February 21 2013, 02:06:33 UTC
Oh the news vans were out in force. But yeah, it was calm. I'm calm about it too, oddly enough. Usually they do a really good job out here- again, Columbine, they do NOT fuck around.

But you can totally be the boss of me today if you want to bc I am still all floppy and blah.


(The comment has been removed)

kita0610 February 21 2013, 03:03:00 UTC
Damn Scots.


violetfrosting February 22 2013, 21:00:29 UTC
It sounds like a standard protocol to not evacuate. In the scarily secure government building I work in, the procedure is to put staff on standby during a bomb alert - ready to leave, but no movement. Maybe in case of multiple or linked devices? I think it gives them a chance to sweep the area without getting involved in a stampede.

Yay for good security, though.


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