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Comments 32

oceanstorme August 6 2008, 14:03:58 UTC

You're handling it much better than I would - but I can completely understand how working somewhere can turn you into a person you'd rather not be. I feel that way sometimes. Sometimes life gives you a shove that you need and it's up to you to make of it what you will. I'm sure you're going to find another job and a new fresh outlook. :)

You're like a phoenix - it may be the death of Record Bitch, but I can't wait to see what rises from those ashes. :) Heck, it's gotta be better than sitting in a cube all day and wearing pantyhose. Ick. ;)

And I totally want to send you a care package!


kit_a_licious August 10 2008, 03:23:46 UTC
I had my five to ten minutes of crying in the bathroom, but then I realized it's not so bad. It was bound to happen at some point. On the plus side, you're absolutely right, that being freed of the place is giving me a new attitude, which I like.

I do not envy you your cubicle and pantyhose, my dear friend. But hey, if it works for you, it's good.

Heh... care packages are delightful, so I won't fight you on wanting to put one together if you find that you must. I'd love to draw or paint you something in return.


irialunforgiven August 6 2008, 14:31:50 UTC
ohlalala, hmmm I just came to check on the weekly cartoon 'coz you forgot to post it on DA, and well, when I read "sacked" I told myself, "it can't be good", and sure enough it isn't; sorry to hear about these events happening to you.
on the possitive side you seem to handle it with a cold head, good for you; and your cartoon isn't mediocre, it is blossoming more with every post.

hmmm I shouldn't tell you this, 'coz I wanted it to be a surprise; keep an eye on your mail -be nice to the mailman- 'coz I mailed a 'lil nothing for you and your sis a couple days ago, it should arrive within the week or monday/tuesday. unfortunately it is a no useful thing :-( but as you know times are harsh on everybody. nevertheless I hope it will bring a smile to your face ;-)

take care, kudos for this week strip (man Finn will never have that "best employee of the month" picture thingy at the Department of various ghouls and beasties's bureau (DVG&B for short?) good for him.


kit_a_licious August 10 2008, 03:33:09 UTC
Hello there!

Yeah, getting the can is not good news, but strangely enough, I am okay with it. Thanks for the reassurance about the cartoon. It's good to know I'm not slipping into mediocrity.

Oooh, a parcel from you! Golly, that's really sweet of you. I still listen to the Pauline Croze CD more than any other CD I own, and so I'm excited to imagine what might be on the way. Thank you so very much for thinking of my sister and me!

Ha! The thought of their being an Employee of the Month plaque at the DVG&B is hilarious! You're so right about Finn. His uncle Screwtape will not be happy with him, hm? ;)


irialunforgiven August 10 2008, 23:46:07 UTC
oulalala, I wasn't aware LJ sent messages to my email, hehe first LJ reply ever lol ( ... )


kit_a_licious August 14 2008, 01:24:18 UTC
I think you're right about bringing Finn's brothers back, I've been contemplating that. I liked them, and it's a shame I only used them for that one strip. Uncle Screwtape is a reference to this wicked Lewis Carrol novel called The Screwtape Letters which is centered around this demon, Screwtape, writing letters to his nephew, Wormtail, who is attempting to corrupt a human and doing a very bad job of it. It's a grand book.

Thanks for the link! My friend is always going on about Dr. Horrible but I've never seen it. It's hilarious, and I adore Nathan Fillion!

Take care, miss!


silveripseity August 6 2008, 15:08:52 UTC
Kit, you may not think of this as heartwarming, but personally, I feel better just for reading it. You are an inspiration to me. :)


kit_a_licious August 10 2008, 03:33:56 UTC
Oh jeez, Ella! That's such a nice thing to hear. Thanks bunches, sister. *hugs*


ebee223 August 6 2008, 15:43:57 UTC
oh dear! well i am sorry that this has happened but i'm glad that you feel ok about it now and it really can be an opportunity for something entirely new like you said. :)


kit_a_licious August 10 2008, 03:35:06 UTC
Absolutely, it's a chance for me to stop being a useless retail clerk and actually do something that makes a difference. Like a stripper!


magicwondershow August 6 2008, 18:31:21 UTC
i agree with dad. you have 24 hrs to cry, throw things, mope, sigh, and in general act like a complete irrational scarlett o'hara, complete with hoop skirts, bonnet, and insane amount of crinoline, all while shouting 'fiddle-dee-dee!'

THEN, i expect the kit fox we all know and love to pull some amazing plan of attack out of thin air and kick ass and take names, stealthy-ninja-style. bc let's face it - if kit fox is anything on this earth, it's survivor. number one.

and for what it's worth, if all else goes to hell, come to indiana, where you'll have a couch to borrow, and i'll see what i can do about getting you hooked up as a bear builder. and there IS a preschool down the road looking for teachers.

all kidding aside - you will make it. promise. cross my heart. my cats told me so, and they have this scary-psychic-future-sense thing going on.



kit_a_licious August 10 2008, 03:39:23 UTC
Ha! I with I'd thought to shout, "Oh fiddle-dee-dee!" when I got laid off. That would have been funny.

Of course, even funnier is your image of me as an asskickin' ninja-style warrior babe of the badlands. I wish, sister! Truth be told, I'm a bit of a wussy girl. But hey, some amount of that is healthy. And you're right, I'm on the way to bigger things, maybe. I'm looking forward to a change.

Thanks for the offer of the couch! One day I'd like to come by and consult your cat oracles... they seem like they'd have a few answers for the world. ;)


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