growing up is such a weird thing to do. it makes you really hate the person you were yesterday.. especially when the person you were yesterday was an attention seeking, idiotic, impulsive, rude whore. if anything i'm glad i've had time to think for the last year, but i feel so separated from the world. i'm always one step behind..
i'm sick of
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Comments 4
i've read choke and invisible monsters this summer!
"Without access to true chaos, we'll never have true peace.
Unless everything can get worse, it won't get any better."
-Chuck Palahnuik
choke is one of my favorites by him.. lullaby is also extremely good..
i really like that quote! which book is that from?
oo i was wondering what book i should read next by him
that quote is actaully from choke...
what other authors do you like--do you know any sedaris--i'm trying to read another author b/c i want to try something new
I HAVE BEEN GOOD--I go to college in wilmington now and its incredible how much i've changed--1st year of college was hard/made many mistakes but now i feel like i am a new person because of it and independent/smarter than i've ever this summer i've just been mostly at home painting, reading--oh yeah i also broke my collarbone skateboarding so its actually been hard..
how are you doing besides this beeing a turning/realizing point in your life..i swear i haven't seen you since that crazy ass summer!
i dont think you realize that you totally just made my day. ive had such a horrible week with 2 of my best friends telling me what a shitty person i had so thanks i REALLY needed that, perfect timing:)
dont worry about all that stuff in highschool, water under the bridge:) we were young, and stupid haha. we may have had our fights (which im sure were my fault also), but ur the last person that i should be angry with.
yeah alex and i are still together, right now things seem to be okay. but like i said, right now things are that way, tomorrow may be different.
you have my s/n right? should IM me
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