Take me out [prompt #1]

Feb 27, 2015 22:57

Title: Take me out
Prompt: #1
Length: 5,916 words
Rating: pg-13
Warnings: none
Summary: Yixing delivers lunches.
Notes: hello lovely prompter! so, i basically took your prompt and ran far away with it. initially, i was going to do something like top chef: fanxing edition! but it came out so. bad. this… isn’t much better. it’s loosely based on a ( Read more... )

kissfx fic event, day 6, pg-13, 2015

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Comments 5

mayangel7 February 28 2015, 16:40:33 UTC
So cute!!!

Yixing gapes, and straightens the rips in his jeans. “You almost bit my finger off the last time I came on my own, Chen,” he says.

“Pssh, Yifan-ge could have sewed it back on,” Chen says and waves a careless hand.
I really like Chen's character here.

“Do you mean to tell me,” Yixing articulates very, very slowly, “that you’ve been courting me for the last six months through lunch deliveries?”
so done with Yifan

This was such a fun read. Thanks for writing~


gaussianblur89 February 28 2015, 23:19:00 UTC
both are such master potatoes oh lord I LOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOVE IT!

and kris' excited puppy act was so endearing, what a sweet potato! ugh, such a sweet fic and i have to say i really, really appreciate them not kissing or hooking up in this fic. it's really wonderful like this. :)


light_kira1 March 3 2015, 12:03:43 UTC
This was funny and sweet, and just an overall delight to read! I really, really enjoy your writing style, it's so comfortable and flows great. It's the sort of comfortable flow of words that just lulls me in, and I could read on and on.
I laughed so much at awkward Yifan, because he's just the cutest >_____< And I enjoyed the hint of angst you threw in there with Yixing worrying if he would have any chance with Yifan at all. Actually they're both equally stupid and awkward, the way Yixing just rushes to Yifan with Apple Pie instead of chicken soup hahahaha
Really, a very cute story. I liked everything, from the initial plot idea to the way you exectued it. And Chanyeol and Jongdae were just wonderfully exasperated friends XP
Thanks for writing ♥


gyusama March 4 2015, 14:43:16 UTC
I loved how Yixing kept making up excuses to visit and Zitao just kicking him out ahh
Jongdae and Changeol working to set them up was adorable I loved this so much <3


rideon9095 March 7 2015, 09:32:31 UTC

I really love awkward and lame Yifan hahahha!! This prompt is so unique and you gave it so much justice. As always, Chanyeol is the best wingman for Yifan :D thank you for this wonderful fic!!


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