is that a caribou? [prompt #3]

Mar 01, 2015 01:58

Title: is that a caribou?
Prompt: #3
Length: 2,179 words
Rating: pg-13
Warnings: none
Summary: In which Lu Han is a patriot, Zitao is a public threat, and Yixing just really really needs a sleigh.
Notes: what is comedy?! i know not. anyway, this was a delight to write. i hope you enjoy, lovely prompter! ♥

Yifan is going to kill him. Or cry. Crying, from Yifan, is more likely. )

day 7, kissfx fic event, pg-13, 2015

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Comments 4

mayangel7 March 2 2015, 03:33:58 UTC
Luhan is such a patriot. At least Yixing got home in time.
I really liked this! Thank you so much for writing~


jaerotic March 2 2015, 13:35:09 UTC
YIXING idt it's a good idea to evade the law like that omg! and LUHAN GE PLS lol. but his surprise for yifan was so very sweet :'( thanks for writing this!!


light_kira1 March 3 2015, 12:08:57 UTC
This was really cute, and I chuckled so much throughout it. Though I pity Yixing, I could downright see his desperate, ruffled, exhausted state.
And omg, I so didn't see the thing with Yifan's mother coming. He really is mama's boy and crybaby, but that scene made me so happy, So cute >____<
Great job, this was hilarious and sweet at the same time.
Oh, and the baobei just killed me. It's so easy to get me at times hahahha
Thanks a lot for writing :3


gyusama March 4 2015, 13:23:14 UTC
Listen, you got me at baobei omg
This was so cute I loved it! <3


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