[fanfiction] let the music take control

Oct 30, 2011 02:15

365 Gay Sharks
Day 302, Word Count: 379
Theme: October; Jumping the Shark
This post is part of the 365 Gay Sharks project. If you would like to learn more about this project, click here to read more about it. :D

I should probably feel mildly ashamed that my first Homestuck fic (and pretty much the first mention of Homestuck here) is a HSM crossover. only I'm me and it's Glitter Herpes. GLITTER HERPES IS A UNIVERSE WHERE ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN.

let the music take control; Homestuck/High School Musical, Ryan+Gamzee, PG-13
Gamzee’s been working at Rawhide almost as long as Ryan, so it’s kind of weird that Ryan’s never seen him working only their shifts have never matched up. Ryan usually works closing and Gamzee usually works opening, but for whatever reason they’re both working opening.

Ryan walks into the back room and is going to drop his stuff by the mirror he usually uses, only there’s someone sitting there. He drops it at the next table over instead. The guy sitting at Ryan’s usually place turns, makeup (clown motif? Ryan doesn’t know.) half done.

“Hey,” he says, “name’s Gamzee. You new?”
“Nope,” Ryan says, bent down to dig his make-up from his duffle bag, “I just usually work closing. My name’s Ryan.”

Closing his fingers around his make-up, Ryan straightens and gives Gamzee a bright smile, which is returned equally bright. After that, though, they fall silent. Gamzee’s up first, and Ryan’s curious so he watches the routine.

It’s not his style at all, but Ryan understands it. He can feel the way the music wraps around Gamzee and thinks that Gamzee doesn’t know what he’s doing, just knows the electricity running through him and the way the music wants him to move. There aren’t a lot of people who do routines like that (Ryan knows, he’s watched them) and it’s weird because Gamzee is limbs everywhere, like fucking Ryan Ross, but he’s so calm about it.

He doesn’t have confidence, though. It’s just surety, the knowledge that he won’t trip or fall because the music has him.

When he comes off stage, he’s loose and relaxed - the way people sometimes look after a really good fuck - and he smiles, just a side of his mouth quirked up, and Ryan smiles back before he loosens his shoulder’s and takes Gamzee’s place.

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comments. :D

fandom: homestuck, pairing: gen, # bbq sauce, !fic, # paprika, verse: glitter herpes, beasties 2011: 365 gay sharks, fandom: high school musical, # allspice

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