(no subject)

May 16, 2011 18:45

365 Gay Sharks
Day 129, Word Count: 422
Theme: May; Chain Reactions
This post is part of the 365 Gay Sharks project. If you would like to learn more about this project, click here to read more about it. :D

Grab your noisemakers and red plastic cups, because we're having a party.

Par-tay! Par-tay!

Huh? What's that?

Why are we having a party? Because I broke LJ! Wait, no. Let me rephrase that: I broke the character limit on my masterlist because I'm an asshat who writes too much and there is actually a ridic amount of html present in my masterlist. Anyway: party!

Here's what going to happen: you post a pairing of more than two people and some kind of prompt. I will write you 365+ words of . . . something involving those three people. Probably porn, negl, unless you're like "Reili, I want rainbows and sunshine" and then . . . I still might write you porn, sorry about that. It will be happy porn at least? (You can be like "write me something that isn't porn" if you don't want porn, but idk how you got to my journal if you don't like porn.)

Like usual: ANY characters. All crossovers, pre-existing universes, genderswap, some fic I may have pouted about on twitter but never written, whatever: all completely awesome. It doesn't matter if you think I've seen the source material or not, I will write with the power of wikipedia and youtube. I make no promises for actual quality, but I neve actually make promises for actual quality and it's a little difficult to do when you're the kind of person that writes sentient punctuation. I am not really a ~quality~ person/blog/whatever.

(Obviously you have a better chance of getting something that is of at least half-decent quality if you pick something I've already written. There's a lot to choose from, though. Check the masterlist masterpost oh my god the fact that I have to say that is legitimately terrifying if you want ideas of things I will write. You can also check the daytime at the movies tag for things I have not yet written but have seen?)

And, since this is a party: if you see someone else's prompt and are like "COME TO ME, YOU ARE NOW MINE" feel free to write it. I am not a crazy, the more fic that exists in the world, the happier I am. Fic is awesome! All of the fic in the world should exist!

Post open until the end of May.

(jsyk if you don't give me a prompt, I am automatically defaulting to "you want genderswapped writing on the body fic" because this is my party and I'll write what I want to.)

This entry originally posted here. Original entry currently has
comments. :D

!meme, beasties 2011: 365 gay sharks, !random holiday post

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