[fanfiction] one way ticket

Apr 15, 2011 18:46

365 Gay Sharks
Day 94, Word Count: 800
Theme: March; Truth and Consequences
This post is part of the 365 Gay Sharks project. If you would like to learn more about this project, click here to read more about it. :D

Fandom/Pairings: RPF; Andrew/Jesse
Rating: R
Pre-Notes: I suppose you can read this on its own, but it probably makes a bit more sense if you read all-nighters and computer troubles first, as it takes place in an unspecified time after that not!fic.
Disclaimer: I don't know, Andrew, are you a hipster attending art school?
Summary: Andrew takes a hit of his joint and then, suddenly, there's a Jesse straddling him and sucking the smoke from his mouth.

one way ticket to the bacchanal
The first time it happens, it's completely unexpected. They're sitting next to each other on Jesse's plain, blue sheets, smoke detector disabled and the door locked. Andrew takes a hit of his joint and then, suddenly, there's a Jesse straddling him and sucking the smoke from his mouth. Jesse coughs once, still unused to the way smoke tastes in his mouth, and Andrew rubs circles into his back to comfort him. He kisses the corner of Jesse's mouth, sweet and soothing.

"You can't do it that quickly," Andrew says gently, offering the joint to Jesse, "here. You exhale, I'll inhale."

Jesse takes a hit, slow like Andrew's taught him, and when he lowers the joint Andrew kisses him. Jesse breathes out, and Andrew slowly drinks the smoke from Jesse's mouth. When Andrew pulls away, Jesse's eyes are a little unfocused and he blinks slowly.

"Like that," Andrew says, his voice rough, "yeah?"
"Yeah," Jesse says, barely above a whisper.

He hands the joint back, and Andrew takes a drag. Jesse presses their lips together, and Andrew exhales. Jesse inhales, eyes fluttering shut, and Andrew wonders how he ever went without this. How he ever went without Jesse, who looks obscene when stoned. He remembers when Jesse would give him a judging expression when he smoked, remembers the first time he convinced Jesse to take a hit.

Jesse had said: "Will I hallucinate Alan Cumming?"

His lips had curved into that smile, the one he gave when he had just made a joke to himself, and Andrew hadn't understood him then but he had found himself smiling too. Jesse had shown him the movie later, sang along to the songs under his breath, and Andrew had spent a large portion of the film watching Jesse. There was something so mesmerizing about Jesse that Andrew found it hard to pay attention to anything else.


It's soft, breathless, and barely above a whisper. Andrew snaps back into the moment and takes in the way Jesse is looking at him. He takes another drag and Jesse almost taking the smoke before it exits Andrew's mouth, pressed close to him and making tiny, wanting noises.

There isn't much left of the joint, so Andrew just stubs it out and tosses the end in the general direction of their trashcan. Jesse pushes Andrew back once the joint is disposed of, teeth scraping along the cords of Andrew's neck, and Andrew is strangely okay with this. He's okay with the way that Jesse gets when he's stoned, desperate and wanting, and he's okay with the way Jesse slides down his body, unbuttoning his pants and tugging them down.

Andrew's not wearing underwear, had given up on that almost as soon as Jesse had tugged them down the first time he dropped to his knees, looking up and locking eyes with Andrew before very deliberately sinking down onto Andrew's cock. Jesse's mouth is around him now, and Andrew has to fight not to rock forward because Jesse is good at this but he still has a gag reflex. It's sloppy and enthusiastic and Andrew has to fight not to make too much noise because the walls are thin and he doubts Ellen and Kristen want to hear him moaning.

Then again, it is Ellen and Kristen. Andrew's never entirely sure with them, but either way he doesn't want to embarrass Jesse. Jesse's humming gently, sucking, and Andrew lets his head fall all the way back onto the bed.

"Jesse," he say quietly, a warning.

There's a light squeeze of his thigh, acknowledgement that Jesse heard him, but otherwise Jesse doesn't stop. Jesse doesn't stop, milking Andrew but not swallowing. He crawls back up Andrew's body, then, pressing their lips together in a question. Andrew answers, parting his lips, and Jesse feeds him the liquid. Andrew swallows, licking into Jesse's mouth for any remaining, and it devolves into a desperate and dirty kiss. Somewhere in that, Andrew manages to snake a hand into Jesse's sweatpants.

The angle is all wrong, but Jesse just makes a soft, pleased noise as Andrew wraps his fingers around Jesse and jerks him off, fast and quick. Jesse is quiet naturally, a slight hitch in his breath the only indication that he's close, but Andrew kisses him through it and swallows all the noises anyway. Jesse pulls away after, just touching his forehead to Andrew's, eyes closed, and just breathes. Andrew carefully pulls his hand from Jesse's sweatpants, and Jesse closes his fingers around Andrew's wrist and licks Andrew's hands clean, eyes still closed. Jesse opens his eyes once he's done.

"You've corrupted me."
"You weren't complaining, " a beat, "We should shower."
"Later," Jesse says, "recite me a poem?"
"Anything for you," Andrew touches their foreheads together again, "Absolutely anything at all."

This entry originally posted here. Original entry currently has
comments. :D

fandom: the social network, # garlic, !fic, # paprika, pairing: andrew/jesse, beasties 2011: 365 gay sharks, # salsa, verse: corrupted

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