[fanfiction] no amount of glue nor tape

Oct 16, 2010 02:03

Fandom/Pairings: High School Musical, Bandom; Ryan Evans/Ryan Ross
Rating: PG-13 . It sort of glosses over Ryan halfway attempting to killing himself and other stuff.
Pre-Notes: Glitter herpes 'verse, because it is the best 'verse and I like the Ross/Evans dynamic more than I really should. It's kind of fucked up and wonderful.
Disclaimer: No.
Summary: Having slept with everyone in the band but Jon Walker, Ryan is unsurprised when Jon doesn't get it.

no amount of glue nor tape
“You'll understand one day, I think.”

The thing about his relationship with Panic! is that it's pretty hard for people to understand, which is totally understandable. One, he sort of came along for the ride when they were just getting their bearings. Two, he met Ross through filming porn. Three, he's slept with Brendon and Spencer too-with Ross' permission. Four, it's difficult to explain to anyone how you can break up with someone and still appear to be dating them. And five, Jon Walker does not know the band he's joined as well as Ryan does.

So it's not particularly surprising when Jon sits next to him on the bus-which he is crashing on that night because he's traveling with them for a couple of days-and asks the question that he's been thinking.

“So Evans, why is it that whenever I walk in on a conversation between you and the rest of the band I feel like I'm intruding on something?”
“It's a long story.”
“We've got some time,” Jon says, “I think you can tell it.”

close to the beginning
“I think,” Ryan whispers, “that I like you. A lot.”
“I think I like you a lot too,” Ross whispers back.

When Ryan tilts his head to kiss Ross, everything fits but it doesn't feel like a hello.

farther from the beginning
They're both busy-Ryan picked a ridiculous set of classes and Ross is busy becoming a rockstar-but they make time for phonecalls and they know how to make each other feel better.

“Brendon keeps,” Ryan can hear the hand gesture that goes in the silence, “and I don't know how to fix it.”
“What did Spencer say?”
“Spencer said to tell you that he's quote 'tired of dealing with your bullshit, tell Evans to come fix it' unquote.”
“I've got a free weekend. Try not to kill each other and tell them I said hi.”
There's a sigh of relief, “Has anyone ever told you that you're amazing?”
Ryan laughs, “I get that a lot.”

less than halfway
Ross finds him passed out on the floor of his apartment bathroom, curled onto himself. The bottle of pills is still open on the counter and the bottle of alcohol is tipped on its side next to him. He's a mess when he wakes up and Ross is, understandably, mad.

“What the hell, Evans? No. No, you know how I feel about alcohol. Were you trying to kill yourself?”
“I was,” Ryan says, voice cracking awkwardly, “then I remembered you would dig me up and kill me again.”
Ross sets the bottle of pills back onto the counter and cradles Ryan's face in his hands, “Why didn't you tell me? You can't just keep these things to yourself, it's not healthy.”
“It wasn't a problem. Then I hit a bad spell.”

about the middle
Spencer calls Ryan very rarely, even though Ryan has mostly been adopted into their band and Spencer knows he can call for any reason at all and Ryan will listen because when Ryan makes friends with people he'll do anything for them. He has so few friends that it rarely occurs to him that acting like that is rare.

“Evans,” Spencer murmurs, “Brent has been flaking on us.”
“Do I need to talk to him?”
“No. I'm just telling you so you're calm when Ryan calls you and is incoherent.”

more than halfway
Spencer introduces him: “This is Jon Walker, our temporary bassist.”
“Nice to meet you, Jon. I'm Ryan Evans-although everyone here calls me Evans. Or baby Evans, although I may have you assassinated for calling me that.”
Brendon punches him lightly, but there's laughter in his eyes. “Don't scare him away! We like Jon.”

Ryan looks over to Ross, who hasn't said anything yet and is standing there, against the wall. Imperceptibly, Ross smiles. That's the only sign Ryan needs.

“Just making sure he's worthy of you guys,” Ryan says with a smile.

not-quite the end
It's a call from Brendon, Spencer and Ross-although the caller id on his phone just reads “Ross.”

“Jon's ours for good,” Brendon exclaims, “isn't that awesome?”
“Just letting you know so you don't freak,” Spencer adds, “we'll let Ryan have you now.”
“Hi,” Ross says quietly, “I miss you.”
“I miss you too, Ross.”

close to the end
“I'm too broken for you to fix,” Ryan whispers, “and you're too broken for me to fix.”
“I know,” Ross whispers back, “but I liked trying.”

It's not really a surprise to either of them when the kiss isn't goodbye, but it feels like it should be.

currently (again)
Ryan finishes talking and takes a sip of his water. Jon is looking him over carefully, as if he's unsure of what to say or do now that their story has been laid out for him. Not exactly the full story, but most of the story. The parts that are important for understanding why Ryan is so thoroughly meshed with the band and why he's traveling with them, sleeping in Ryan's bunk like it's not a big deal and there's enough space.

Jon shakes his head.

“I'm not sure I get it, but I think I'm starting to understand.”
“The short version is that Ross holds me together in a way that nothing else has so far and I hold him together at least as well as Spencer. Spencer and Brendon came as part of the package.”
“Huh,” Jon says, “you're not so bad, Evans.”
Postit-Notes: This fic is basically “Evans and Ross: the Sparknotes version.”

This entry originally posted here. Original entry currently has
comments. :D

pairing: everyone/ryan, verse: glitter herpes, pairings for my own personal amusement, !fic, fandom: high school musical, band: panic! at the disco

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