[MISC] My Art of XiahJunsu

Nov 08, 2009 22:05

I'm so boring now... so I posted my "xiah" art! hohoho.. I did it when I was being an invigilator! wuahahaha...
I wrote on white board..
It contents with "Xi_ph0r1a" and "xiahdiction" text....
Do you wanna know about the meaning? NO! ah yah.. let me know u ^^

Xi_ph0r1a is ... )

xiah, art, diary, misc

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Comments 16

ambot_janelle November 8 2009, 16:29:56 UTC
hahaha.. the X and the N.

oh, so you're Xi_ph0r1a at xiah-sshi. i didnt know, sorry for being so slow. Hello Febi!!!!

did you try to combine euphoria and addiction? :D

i like the second pic more. XD


kiseki04 November 9 2009, 01:47:15 UTC
ohmygodsun.. janelle, you are so slow! :P
Yeah this is me, bb~ ^^
But.. yeah I'm sorry not to come so often in there, I just busy with mt day n wanna blow out this uneasy feeling (i don't wanna say I'm in stress, coz I don't wanna it happened to me! ^^)

combine euphoria and addiction? with "XIAH" words, YES! ^^
maybe next time I'll play "xiah" words with something words else.. again! :))
with.. sexy, it will be sex_xiah or seXiah?! the meaning it's so ambiguous! LOL

i like the second pic more. XD
pic of "Xi_ph0r1a"'s art??
hehehe thx ^^


vede November 8 2009, 20:20:31 UTC
haha:D you must have been really bored:D

but actually those ideas are really crazy and good:D I like xiahdiction more :D

wish I was so creative:D

oh so ypou're from Xiah-shi too:D


kiseki04 November 9 2009, 02:00:19 UTC
sometimes I'm so creative, or too creative?! hahaha.. but just SOMETIMES! :P
It just suddenly come out from my mind, and if I didn't write it, I will forget!

last nite, I heard Picture of You's song and suddenly I wanna make JaeSu fics.. I just imagined it and then in the morning it was gone, I forgot!!! hahahaha.. that's my stupid of me :)

eeeeh you are from Xiah-sshi too? what's your username in there?


vede November 9 2009, 14:12:38 UTC
being creative is great:D

haha so make a fanfic:D I'd if I could write in English:D I only write in Polish and actually I write Xiah & me stories only xD

I'm VEDE XD or maybe vede-chan.. something with vede xDDD can't remember xp


kiseki04 November 9 2009, 15:30:09 UTC
but everyone can be CREATIVE! C'mon.. vede! ^o^

I wanna make it, BUT I'm a moody person, so if there's no feeling of writing, I can't write anything! hahaha..

Your English is good.. Ah where are u from? I'm from Indonesia.

I write Xiah & me stories only xD
Hey, it's not allowed! hahaha.. include me in there too! LOL

Ohh vede~ you're not remember your username?! hahaha you are so funny person ^^. I guess that you're seldom to come in that forum rite?! haha


xiahtism November 9 2009, 15:49:11 UTC
B~ is tt you?!!
sorry~ i'm not aware of it till now!!!!!! only when i see your Xi_ph0r1a name here!!!! ^^


kiseki04 November 9 2009, 16:40:01 UTC
yes.. this is me.. B :)
but errrr what's your name, xiahtism?!

Oh, I think that I'm popular in DBSK's fandom?! LOL *kicks myself*


xiahtism November 13 2009, 13:49:11 UTC
i guessed you know who am i already~
shall hide my identity here... XD *sHhhhhh....

*based on the fact that i READ ONLY JAESU! u shld know who am i... ahahha *wiNkx..


kiseki04 November 13 2009, 15:46:41 UTC
yesss finally, your identity was revealed!!! hahaha

Ting, glad to meet and talk with you in here.. :) *hugs*
hope that I could to visit O! forums soon..

*based on the fact that i READ ONLY JAESU! u shld know who am i... ahahha
YESSS 100% correct! :))


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