Title: Watching the Past
Pairing/Characters: David POV, Colby-centric, mentions of Dwayne
Rating: E for everyone
Summary: David watches Colby's past.
Word Count: 300
Spoilers: Set during 304 The Mole
Disclaimer: Numb3rs does not belong to me in any way, shape, or form. This has not been beta'd, so I apologize for any glaring mistakes.
A/N: It was supposed to be for
numb3rs100 Prompt 175, but I ended up using it for F100- Writer's Choice (Jealousy). When I started writing this I didn't mean for David to come as stalker-ish as he did. Also, this does fit into my Dwayne/Colby 'verse, but it definitely can stand alone. When I originally started this 'verse, I never expected it to be this big. Or that David wanted Colby. But then again, who doesn't?
David had never really thought about Colby's tour in Afghanistan- until Colby was talking about Dwayne Carter saving his life. In fact, David had never really thought about Colby's past at all. Everyone else would drop comments alluding to their past, but never Colby... until now. David watched, fascinated, as Colby talked about his buddy from the Army. Colby's face went from surprise that Carter might be involved in their case, to a happy grin that told of fond memories, and at the last second David swore he saw a moment of trepidation, or maybe just regret. David had never been in the military, but he knew of the strong bonds that combat created between soldiers.
David felt bad about spying on his partner, but not that bad. He also didn't feel too bad about pulling Carter's file. David watched from a distance as the redhead left the elevator, pausing to look around before he saw Colby. Carter made a beeline, exclaiming something to get Colby's attention. The hug the two men shared was fierce and spoke volumes. David watched with a growing level of jealousy as the two friends talked. As the conversation came to a close, David watched them shake hands. At the last minute though, Carter grabbed Colby into another tight hug. The two soldiers kept their eyes on each other until Carter stepped back into the elevator.
For the rest of the day Colby wore a pleased grin. As they were getting ready to leave for the day Megan teased Colby about having a secret girlfriend that he had met up with during lunch. Colby just shrugged and grinned some more. But David knew for a fact that Colby had eaten lunch at his desk- he had met up with Carter during his lunch break instead.
Comments are love.