Kis-My-Ft2's concerts will take place from the 3rd October until the 20th December, in 9 different locations across the country.
Oita (10/3) iichikoグランシアタ
Kagoshima (10/4), 鹿児島市民文化ホール(第一ホール)
Sendai (10/9, 10/10), イズミティ21
Kanazawa (10/17), ウェルシティ金沢
Niigata (10/18), 新潟県民会館
Hiroshima (10/31, 11/1), ウェルシティ広島
Kobe (11/13, 11/14), ワールド記念ホール
Sapporo (11/21), ウェルシティ札幌
Yokohama (12/19, 12/20) 横浜アリーナ
information confirmed in email from Johnny's Web!
here, credits to:
ayashi_mikage Official Information: Johnny's Net,
Tickets will be 6,300 yen each. Times for each show are as yet unknown.
CONGRATULATIONS KIS-MY-FT2!! may this be the first of many tours!!