
Dec 31, 2020 10:50

This journal has gone to partial "friends only" journal to allow me to talk about rl stuff as well as FF. Fandom, Final Fantasy XI and some entries will be unlocked, there will be some real life locked stuff.

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Comments 5

space_oddity_75 August 19 2007, 23:31:03 UTC
Hello there. Remember me?
This message is just to say 'hi' and thank you and the other TRA/LJ girls I met at the pub on Sat. 11th August. I had a really nice time with you, although I couldn't stay long (poor hubby must be excused: the constant drumming in his ears gets worse in small spaces with loud music, and I felt so bad for him having to stay outdoors). I really apologize to all of you for that. I hope we didn't come across as rude: had it been for me, I'd have stayed with you lot all night, as I was having so much fun!

Back in Italy now, but my short London holiday was great, and 'Elling' was absolutely fantastic! :)

I apologize again for not having been able to talk with you all a bit more.

Bye for now.


kirsteena August 20 2007, 10:32:06 UTC
Glad you enjoyed your time in London! And don't worry about it, it wasn't a problem - we know how hard these things can be. Just glad you enjoyed Elling, and that we got to meet you!

It was a good night =)


emeriin December 2 2007, 16:19:30 UTC
Oooh, bugger, this is always hard. I was emeriin from a few months ago and, as you know, there was some nastiness making me close down. Anyway, I'm back 'cos I missed everyone and I was wondering if I might friend you again?


kirsteena December 4 2007, 09:10:33 UTC
Done =)


(The comment has been removed)

kirsteena July 24 2008, 09:58:31 UTC
Have a facepalm icon instead. And... wtf? Get Ianto to get you some coffee kthxbai.

*dies laughing*

And no, that fic wouldn't be so bad *g*.


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