Nino Fiction Contest (NFC)
NFC is a fanfiction contest centered on stories with NIno as the main character, hence the name. This contest is part of celebrating our beloved brat's birthday. Fans, whether you are a member or non-member of the community, are welcome to join the contest.
Like we have done in our previous fiction contest, the author's name will only be revealed after the end of the voting. This is to ensure that we vote according to the written works and not because it was written by a particular author.
Prizes would vary to sub PV to banners for the top winners - usually top 3, but this will change according to the number of participants.
- Open to member and non-members
- Original work/s
- Fiction must be a new work written for this particular contest only.
- Theme/Genre: NO sad and tragic stories
- Length/Word Count not more than 2000 words.
- Deadline June 15, 2014 (you have one whole month to write your fiction)
- Send your entries at the comment box below.
- Winners would be decided via poll vote
Entry format
Title :
Author/username :
Pairing :
Rating :
Genre :
Length/Word-count :
Summary :
- Send your entry format under your sign-ups or via PM (but make sure to inform one of the mods where you have sent your work).
- Comments will be screened to maintain the anonymity of the author and their works until the release and voting.
Inquiries are most welcome.