Thanks for using the tags as much as you do. You guys are some of the better taggers out there on lj, especially compared to the situation in some of my other communities *lol* But there are still some things you do wrong, like using character tags for fanfics. I hope this guide will make it easier and clear things up.
Tagging guide for
kirk_mccoy: An Update
Fanfiction and Fanart
(not used for graphics - icons, wallpapers, etc. - posts)
Like mentioned in the
rules & guidelines, a work of art (written or drawn) has to have three standard tags. Hence, if the post doesn't have at least three tags, it hasn't been correctly tagged.
These tags are: fan: fanfiction/art, fandom: __ and rating: __. Author tags don't exist and since we have over ~2700 entries (end of the year 2009) it is too late to introduce them.
1) What kind of work are you posting?
Use either the fan: fanfiction or fan: art tag. An exception are podfics (these are basically audio books of fanfics), that have to be extra tagged as fan: podfic as well.
2) What kind of universe/fandom is your work about?
Canon fandoms (apply to most posts):
a. Most fanfics and art posted to this community belong in the Alternate Original Series Universe aka Star Trek XI + sequels. If this applies to your work, please use fandom: aos (tag previously known as fandom: star trek xi).
b. If your story/art is inspired by The Original Series, use fandom: tos.
c. We created a specific tag for mirrorverses, fandom: mirrorverse which is still based in Star Trek canon. Previously those fanfics were tagged with AU.
Fanon fandoms:
d. The fandom: au tag applies when the characters in your story/art evidently differ from the TOS or AOS canon; an Alternate Universe. This generally applies to genderbending stories where McCoy or Kirk are female from the start.
Note: A story can be both, canon and AU when characters from "our" universe enter the alternate one, for example when AOS!Kirk/McCoy meet an alternate Kirk/McCoy where one of them or both are girls. In that case both fandom tags (fandom: aos/tos and fandom: au) apply.
e. The ever popular "Reaper!Bones" is not an alternate universe. Reaper is a character from the movie Doom, portrayed by Karl Urban. This makes it a crossover. For this you have to use the fandom: crossover tag and only that one.
f. This community is Real Person Shipping (RPS) friendly. If you post Chris/Karl related things, please use fandom: rps.
3) What is the rating of your work?
Use one of these tags:
rating: g - Suited for general audiences/all ages, use the fic/art warning: gen/friendship if it applies
rating: pg - Some material not used for general audience
rating: pg-13 - Teen themes
rating: r - Mature themes; sex, gore, highly psychological themes
rating: nc-17 - Adult themes, plot-what-plot's
4) Fic and Art warnings
We also have a fic/art warning: __ tag. If your fic contains something "controversial" you should use one of these tags. The list includes:
fic/art warning: bdsm - bondage/sado-maso
fic/art warning: bodyswap - Kirk and McCoy switch bodies
fic/art warning: character death - Character death, of either or both characters
fic/art warning: crossdressing - self-explanatory
fic/art warning: dialogue - this tag only applies to fanfic usually, stories written in dialogue form, not prose
fic/art warning: dub/non con - mentions of sex with dubious consent or rape, has not be related to Kirk/McCoy, e.g. descriptions of Jim getting abused as a kid
fic/art warning: gen/friendship - for people that are not or are interested in gen/friendship pieces
fic/art warning: genderswap - female Kirk or McCoy
fic/art warning: mpreg - male pregnancy
fic/art warning: threesome - self-explanatory
fic/art warning: underage sex - descriptions of underage sex, e.g. an AU where Jim is still in Highschool
5) Tags that you usually do not use when tagging fanfics/art!
Character and Actor tags are a no-no for fanfics and art. For whatever reason many of you opted to use the character: jim kirk and character: leonard mccoy tags. This is a Kirk/McCoy community, so naturally most fanfics and art should be Kirk/McCoy only.
Characters and Actors
Character and Actor tags are for character and actor specific posts, e.g. discussions, articles, interviews, picspams, download posts or Karl Urban sitting in the captain chair pictures ;) This is a Kirk/McCoy shipper community, so obviously all your posts have to be related to Kirk and McCoy, thus no need to use those tags unless the post is really character specific. So please, please: Don't use character: jim kirk and character: leonard mccoy for fanfiction and fanart, unless it only concerns one of them!
Your graphics posts should be tagged with general graphics: __ tags. These are:
graphics: banner (including headers), graphics: colourbars, graphics: icons, graphics: manipulation, graphics: mood themes, graphics: morphed images, graphics: screencaps, graphics: wallpaper.
There is no need to add any other tags.
General Tags
- Posts with these tags that have to be always locked:
fan: fanmix - Kirk/McCoy mixtapes, character mixtapes are allowed as well, but they have to allude to Kirk/McCoy friendship at least a little bit (use character tag if that's the case).
Note: Please tag all your fanmix posts with a fandom: __ tag as well!
media: download - for movie downloads etc. Don't forget to add a specific tag if it applies (actor or fandom).
to be continued. Leave comments and suggestions to this post. Thank you! Also if you know wrongly tagged fanfics or art and you're able to tag them yourself (you have to have a paid account, unless you're the OP), please do so :)