Sep 30, 2010 19:52
George was curled into a ball and unable to enjoy all the interesting scents that were coming through around him. He wanted down, and away from the mean lady. This new place they had been taken to was full of interesting sounds and sights. He vaguely recalled being here, and he was pretty sure there were high places to hide from the mean people in.
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A fuzzy, annoyingly cute problem. Jim looked down at Spock still in his arms, and tried to figure out just how he was going to explain this to any of them. I'm sorry, liquor turned your friends/husband/whateverSpockistoNyotanow into a tiny kitten. We'll provide a litter box for the next few days.
Yea... no.
He curled further back into the corner, tail lashing and growled, making himself into a big ball of fur, tale lashing furiously, glaring murderously down at everyone. BAD PEOPLE. All bad people. He surveyed. Only one door open. Hoped that would lead out of place with the people
He could escape once he was down. Was up really high. Finally he crept toward the edge, and lept down to Pike's hands, still puffed up and growling. Better not get any ideas about restraining his freedom. He was onto these people.
George yowled. He wasn't happy at all.
Zach was not going to believe this. They'd have to make sure Noah didn't get to Chris...
He helped where he could, but it was clear that the kittens had a mind of their own, yet each appeared to be connected to their particular person. Nyota, Pike, and Karl were given instructions on how to replicate kitten formula food, and an ensign was already looking for appropriate litter box materials.
Bones watched the group leave Sickbay with their charges, Jim heading back over to Science lab to see what sort of progress they were making on the antidote. Then he went into his office to type up the notes for this incident, but sat there a while, staring at the monitor, unable to come up with the words.
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