I would've thought to get into a picture with you, but I didn't have a camera, and I didn't want to force you to use your own. XD Oh well, maybe next year.
Well, actually not. I know I said I hope to see you at AZ next year, but then I remembered I definitely won't be able to even if you get invited next year. Next year at that time I'll be studying abroad in Japan, so no AZ for me. T_T But it's Japan, so that'll be really exciting.
And grrrr, my Tsubasa Vol. 1 starter set still hasn't arrived. I wanna hear your bit part as Souma~
Man, you had a chance to be with the Japanese voice actors! I would have loved to have had the chance to go to this con! I would love to have the opportunity to interview these folks! The cosplay isn't too shabby! That's probably the best Sailor Venus i've seen in a while! I give your convention photos four thumbs up!
Where's Mori indeed! My new Ouran plushies demand the same answer. =O (Unfortunately all Ouran plushies are bootlegs so far from my understanding, but still... If they're going to make 6, they might as well make all 7! ;_; )
XD The girl pyramid head from Silent Hill is a friend of mine from college. We didn't know it was her until she went on stage and we could kind of see through the mesh. We were dying laughing. Their skit was awesome.
And I LOVE Kara's skirt in the door celebratory pic.
I have a question for you! You might be able to answer. My friend Caitlin, part of the Morning Musune group in the novice contest (the four girls that did the dance in the shiny purple outfits) won a judges' award. They wanted to thank the judge, but they couldn't find her and they didn't know who she was. Do you by any chance know?
Comments 14
I would've thought to get into a picture with you, but I didn't have a camera, and I didn't want to force you to use your own. XD Oh well, maybe next year.
Well, actually not. I know I said I hope to see you at AZ next year, but then I remembered I definitely won't be able to even if you get invited next year. Next year at that time I'll be studying abroad in Japan, so no AZ for me. T_T But it's Japan, so that'll be really exciting.
And grrrr, my Tsubasa Vol. 1 starter set still hasn't arrived. I wanna hear your bit part as Souma~
And I LOVE Kara's skirt in the door celebratory pic.
I have a question for you! You might be able to answer. My friend Caitlin, part of the Morning Musune group in the novice contest (the four girls that did the dance in the shiny purple outfits) won a judges' award. They wanted to thank the judge, but they couldn't find her and they didn't know who she was. Do you by any chance know?
I'm so tired...I haven't recovered from the con yet, lol.
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