Title: Fic Meme (creative, I know)
Author: kirin-saga
Rated: G-PG
Characters/Pairings: Various
Universes: G1, IDW, and one that can be seen as 2007verse.
Summary: Lots of little ficlets.
A/N: See Part 1 for full notes.
1. Blaster
2. Springer
3. Skywarp
4. Rumble
5. Hook
6. Red Alert
7. Perceptor
8. Soundwave
9. Roadbuster
10. Prowl
'You': Optimus
The last one on this list is my very favorite. I look forward to seeing what you think.
What would Number 1 think of Number 2?
Blaster stared in awe at the computer screen as it played a live video feed of the training room, where one of the Wreckers was fighting - no, slaughtering - all challengers. Including the twins. Blaster grinned. "That is wicked awesome!"
What would Number 2 find weird about Number 3?
"So..." Springer said suddenly, glancing curiously at the 'Con. "In order to use your warping... thing, you have to determine all the variables, run all these complicated and confusing calculations." He paused. "And you have to do this each and every time?"
Skywarp nodded.
"Then why do you let everyone think you're an idiot?" the Wrecker asked in disbelief.
Skywarp shrugged. "It's fun."
Springer stared. "You're insane."
How would Number 3 greet Number 4?
Rumble blinked. "What?" Then he realized what had just been said. "Hey, no fair teleporting!" he yelled as he took off down the hall.
What would Number 4 be jealous about Number 5?
It wasn't fair. Hook was Gestalt, bonded - in a way - to the other Constructicons. He always knew how each of them was doing, if they were hurt or scared or lost. Rumble sighed. He would give anything to know if Frenzy was still alive.
What dream would Number 5 have about Number 6?
Red Alert choked. "I was what?" he squeaked.
Hook groaned, wincing at the high pitched tone, and offlined his optics. "You were dancing the hula while floating around Inferno's head. And you were tiny."
Red Alert stared hard at the hungover mech. "I don't think you should drink anymore of Mixmaster's special brew. Ever."
Hook could only groan in agreement.
What do Number 6 and Number 7 have in common?
Red Alert and Perceptor studied each other for a moment, before turning back to the others. "We're both red," Perceptor finally answered.
What would make Number 7 angry at Number 8?
Soundwave winced and frantically scrambled away from the angry Autobot scientist. He really hadn't meant to do that, it was a complete accident. He hadn't known how delicate the equipment was and how difficult it was to calibrate. Honestly.
Perceptor growled as he moved in for the kill, and Soundwave started to pray.
Where would Number 8 meet Number 9?
Roadbuster paused a moment as he entered the bar, recognizing the mech that sat alone in a corner booth. Almost hidden but not hidden enough to be overlooked by a Wrecker. Especially a Wrecker who had expected to find him hiding in one of the dark corners. He made his way to the booth, nodding at the Decepticon as he sat across from him. "You asked to see me?"
What would Number 9 never dare to tell Number 10?
Roadbuster watched the Autobot's second in command with barely concealed annoyance. The doorwinged mech had done nothing but cause trouble for the Wreckers. Not that the Wreckers hadn't caused plenty of trouble and pain for the Prowl, but they hadn't targeted him specifically. They were just following orders, after all, and it wasn't their fault Autobots as a whole were oblivious morons. So easy to fool. It almost made Roadbuster want to tell him everything; tell him all about the 'failed' missions, the location of missing 'Bots, who the Wreckers were really loyal to. But most of all, he wanted to tell Prowl that the destruction of Praxus had been the Wreckers' idea. That they had decided on that particular city after Prowl had annoyed them one time too many. That, in fact, the destruction of Prowl's home was Prowl's own fault. The look on Prowl's face when he was told that would amuse the Wreckers for vorns to come.
But in the end, Roadbuster decided against it. After all, it would be much more amusing if the Autobot were to discover it on his own.
What would make 10 scared of 1?
Prowl stared hard at Blaster, watching as the sparkling calmly drew on the large sketch pad he had been given. Most sparklings Blasters age would draw simple things; buildings, people, animals, or the things in their immediate area. Blaster though...
Blaster drew dark things. Dead mechs and femmes scattered across an energon soaked battlefield. Two armies, one side red and the other side purple, fighting on a strangely green world that was slowly turning black with decay. An empty, dying Cybertron.
The drawings were simplistic, lacking detail an older mech would give it, but even then, when Prowl looked at it, he could hear the cries of those dying, feel the cold wind as if he too were standing on that battlefield. And as he leaned closer, he could almost smell the rotting energon that soaked the dead. The pictures were horrifying, but what made it far worse was the cheerful melody Blaster sang as he added more energon to a pink colored femme.
Prowl stared at the sparkling for a long while, watching as even more horrors were added to the drawing, and he knew there was something very wrong with Blaster.