
Mar 29, 2012 19:28

Title: Bell
Fandom: X-Men: First Class, That music video when Fassy changes into Satyr (The cooper Temple Clause - Blind Pilots)
Pairing: Erik/Charles
Genre: Alternate Universe
Rating: NC-17?
Warnings: The whole thing is a minefield. If you get squeaked out by the video, don't read it either.
Word Count: 705
Summary: Charles is maybe a little tiny bit intimidated.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything, least of all copyright to these guys.
Author's note: Fill for au_bingo for the prompt "Alternative Fandom: Music Video".

Erik is- something wild. He tries not to show it to Charles very often, or if he can help it at all, but it shows nonetheless. Charles finds it awfully cute that the man tries to hide his real nature from him. It’s not like you can really miss your fiancé changing into a creature with horns and goat legs. Unless you’re blind or smashed, but even when you’re latter it’s a little weird fantasy to have. Especially since it’s almost always ending up in a goat in the backyard. Which is bizarre in and out of itself.
So when Erik’s friends pull him out of the house again for one of their quests to outdrink everyone in the city, Charles smiles sweetly at his partner and ties him a bell around the neck. He’s not the master of magic yet, he’s still learning, but the spell that will guide his lover home no matter the form, was one he perfected. He wouldn’t forgive himself if something happened to Erik because of his enchantment.

They live in a curious world. It’s one filled to the brim with magic of every kind, but one that is stubbornly set on ignoring that very magic as often as it can. And if it can’t, it still does it. Charles doesn’t really understands it, but he’s pretty sure he prefers people to believe that they drunkenly dreamt about satyr fucking them then having them raze the city in their search of the individual, just to set him on fire or something. People can be cruel like this sometimes.

Charles doesn’t understand what kind of people would dream about creature like Erik fucking them either. He himself, even if in love with the man, is often intimidated by his true form and prefers his lover to set it free away from home, even if it means a little bit of infidelity. He will get used to it one day and these arrays into the city won’t be necessary, but for now… For now, he’s okay with letting Erik free his wild nature on some unsuspecting humans.

They can probably deal with sores of any kind better than Charles ever would.

He really would like to be able to just accept that sometimes his fiancé frowns hooves and horns and enormous sex drive, he really would. It’s just very difficult when you’re just a meek little sorcerer in the making. He’s not the bravest of people no matter what Erik repeats often. It’s not a feat being with the man when he’s not accepting all of him. Charles knows he’s being the biggest hypocrite on the planet, but he can’t help it really.

Erik scares him.

Not that he would ever admit so much to the man. He already has some complex over his real form, there’s no use in giving him more reason to dislike it. He should accept himself as he is. Even if Charles is unable to. Yet. Because one day he will, he just needs a little more time.

He sighs and goes out when he hears the bell tinkling at the door. Sure enough, there’s a goat standing before it and it looks curiously at Charles before going to chew at his tulips.

So maybe the satyr form isn’t as bad as this one. At least it has nothing against Charles’ gardening. And it’s much easier to get inside the house. What would neighbors say if they saw a goat in their garden? They’re not even permitted to keep a cat. Which Charles thinks is awfully unfair. He would love a familiar and that silly rule doesn’t let him.

He puts the goat in the bathroom and knows that it’s going to eat all toilet paper before the magical energy runs out and Erik comes back to himself. He’s going to complain about remnants of paper and grass in his mouth again.

He does, only few hours later. Charles kisses him silent and then agrees that it’s the awful taste to have in one’s mouth. Erik gives him a knowing look and kisses him again.

Charles supposes he can live with a sex-crazed satyr and a goat if it means he gets to have Erik too.

fandom: x-men, form: fanfiction, challenge: bingo - au

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