"The sword of Heaven"

Mar 28, 2012 18:57

Title: The sword of Heaven
Fandom: X-Men: First Class
Pairing: Erik/Charles one-sided
Genre: Alternate Universe
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Possible character death. Um, religion? Do I need to warn people for this?
Word Count: 559
Summary: Charles is magnificent like this.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything, least of all copyright to these guys.
Author's note: Fill for au_bingo for the prompt "Immortals". Everyone knows angels are immortals, right? Right? It counts, yes? Yes? Please?

Erik stood back and observed. Charles was magnificent like this. His wings spread widely reaching two poles of the world at the same time. The pure white feathers, usually so immaculate, fluffed and splattered with crimson. His tunic was torn and his hair was wind-swept, from the spell’s backfire or from the flight it didn’t matter. Right now, Charles was every inch the warrior he was intended to be. The sword rose, poised to strike the Other curled at his feet, begging for mercy. There was no mercy for these creatures, only wrath and justice delivered swiftly and as painfully as possible.
 Others were creatures of darkness and chaos, made only to be destroyed, mindless and heartless. They seduced and tempted humans, made them Fall, just for their own sick enjoyment. Charles and others job was to find them, hunt them, kill them. Destroy them.

Erik sometimes wondered if that was all to Others, if they really were as empty of everything as everyone said. But he didn’t question. To question was to doubt, and to doubt was to go against His will. And that led only one way, into becoming the Other. No one wanted that.

It didn’t mean it wasn’t hard. They all had their orders and the set of rules everyone had to follow. The most important of them was to not question. The other was not to want. But it was a torture to see Charles beautiful like this, poised to kill, and not want. Erik wanted with all his being, but he kept silent. To say a word was to lose Charles forever, and not having him for eternity was a small price for being allowed into his shining presence.

Charles was- If Others was darkness, Charles was pure light, created only for love and fight. It sounded like it couldn’t go shoulder in shoulder, but it could and it could so well. Erik spent every day of his immortal life in awe of his commander. He didn’t notice when awe changed into love, and when love showed taints of lust. But then he did, and still he stayed silent.

He would give everything for one warm glance, an embrace, a simple touch. He saw humans share affection between them, kissing, holding each other, giving in to their most carnal desires. He didn’t want as much. If he could only press his lips to these of Charles’, lightly as a feather, he would be happy for all eternity.

But there was only one entity they were supposed to love. It was forbidden in every other form, so Erik stayed silent. He didn’t say a word of his feelings for a millennia and then for two, and for three, four, five. He lost count around ten, or he simply lost interested in keeping count. It didn’t matter for how long he stayed silent, it didn’t change single thing. Neither his feelings changed, neither the rules did. So he stayed back and looked, observed Charles in all his glory and longed.

It was inevitable that it couldn’t go on forever.

So when Charles’ sword swings down, finally going for a kill, Erik closes his eyes and accepts his fate. It’s the least he can do after tainting Charles’ person with his unclean desires.

It’s just one more Other destroyed by the Angel, nothing more, nothing less.

fandom: x-men, form: fanfiction, challenge: bingo - au

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